It’s A Cluster-F**k

In February I wrote a post about 2016 being the Year of the Monkey, and although Monkeys are charming, creative people (ahem … comme moi, par exemple), Monkey Years can be a turbulent roller coaster ride.

In the past 2 weeks alone,

1 – My laptop has spent a week in the Geek Hospital.  It returned with a new motherboard and its 3rd new network card.  It STILL isn’t working properly.  Tech support and I are quickly becoming best of friends, and soon we will be adding each other’s name to our Christmas card lists.

2 – Although my external hard drive eventually gave up my photo library that it was holding hostage, it still refuses to release the videos of my sons’ childhood.  In fact, it keeps insisting the videos don’t even exist although I can see them there peering hopefully at me.

3 – Our washing machine made a very ugly noise during its spin cycle last week.  When I opened the door of the washer to investigate, I was greeted by a faceful of smoke that smelled like burning rubber rather than the pleasant aroma of freshly laundered clothes I had come to expect.

A $100 service call later, we were informed it was “broken and not worth fixing”.

… and now we wait, for our new washing machine will still be another 3 days before it can be delivered.  In the meantime, the laundry is piling up and I’m getting rather restless.

I’ve discovered I have laundry *issues*.  My need for tidy piles of clean clothes seems to border on the compulsive.  I’ve now developed a bit of an eye twitch that I hope goes away when I can indulge my laundry fix again.

4 – And now our 18-month-old upright freezer has decided to go tropical and resolutely refuses to produce cold air.  For the second time in as many years, we are about to lose hundreds of dollars of food.

Even more annoying, customer service doesn’t seem to care that this is the 2nd service call on this freezer since we bought it.  Yes, they are sending out a service person.  No, I have no confidence that it will have a happy resolution.

Fasten your seatbelts, my friends. It looks like it’s going to be a bumpy ride.  I’ve got the whine-machine cranked up and unless things improve,  I plan to give it workout this year.


  1. oh my😕 To have problems with almost every appliance we depend on AND your computer…No wonder you think the monkey is behind it! Here’s hoping April Fools day will break this run of bad luck.


  2. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry to read about your pain. Ugh. The computer stuff is the worst…especially if there are precious missing memories involved.
    I did laugh out loud a couple of times (sorry…not AT you, but WITH you!)

    “Broken and not worth fixing”…sounds like my bad knees 😉

    Sending you love and hugs and happy, healthy vibes. xo

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  3. I thought I would tell you that I decided to catch up on my laundry today. I did five loads of washing (7kg washer). At one point, every line on the rotary clothesline was full and the only pegs I had left were those few crappy ones at the bottom of the tin and I still had another load in the machine to be hung out.

    Clearly, I do not have your laundry issues. (I honestly don’t know how you managed in a house full of boys.)


  4. My condolences on your recent losses. I share your aversion to dirty clothes piling up, and to spending $100 to find out it’s all over. Seems like insult to injury to me. Hoping your freezer has had a change of heart, and is once again getting with the program.


  5. Seems like a glass of wine is needed to stave off some of those pesky problems! It might give your whine mAchine a bit of rest.


  6. In this day and age, I think appliances are MADE to only last a certain number of years. If I didn’t know better (?) I’d think they’d somehow programmed them to break down at a certain point. Imagine a young family, starting out, buying them all at the same time … they will all break down at the same time too!

    The feeling of frustration … not being able to DO anything … is the worst. Computers can drive me nuts that way. Before all this computer stuff started, we didn’t HAVE these problems with storage of photos … we had photo albums at the best! I feel sometimes, as if I’m being weighed down by photos.


  7. That’s too much shit to deal with. We/I bought a dishwasher that was crap, they came to fix it a couple of times and I told them the first time to take it with them. The third time they did and then it took several months before they got me a new one! I called here and there, got transferred here and there, then this person was going to let that person know, then a week later another person was going to get things done, then the third, it just went on and on.
    I’ll totally freak out the day that my computer dies!!
    I have to separate disks with backup of photos, I doubt they’ll all die at the same time (unless the house burns down, but then I’ll be “free” anyway and I can start a minimalistic life-style…).

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    • You captured customer *service* hell very well.
      I’m hoping for positive results when the service guy shows up this afternoon, but I’m also bracing myself for profound disappointment.

      All my photos are on a separate external hard drive, with a backup on another external drive. Most of the issues I’m having relate specifically to Lightroom rather than the actual external drives. I live in fear of losing the catalog I’ve painstakingly created over the past couple of years.
      I’m not ruling out that 99% of my LR issues are likely operator related 😉


        • In some ways I’m very risk adverse. I used to be on a weekly backup schedule for the catalog and monthly for the library. I’ve recently changed it to daily for the catalog and weekly for the library.
          It might be a bit overkill, but for now I feel a bit less stressed about it.


  8. I aint no monkey and my washing machine died 2 weeks ago, and I’m currently writing this line on a new laptop. Nicely written though Jo; you’re back in form. The freezer, fridge and dishwasher are hanging in there. Hope I haven’t mozzed myself. The first time in my life, I didn’t bother with service guy and just went and bought a new washing machine. We were sick of the front loader taking forever anyway.


    • I’m coming to the conclusion Mick that there is no such thing as appliance repair. These things are built with flimsy parts that aren’t intended to last more than a handful of years. Manufacturers only care to have them last for the one year “parts and labour”.

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  9. I’m ashamed to report that I find this post hilarious. Not for the trials that you describe but for the way in which you describe them. It’s incredible how everything can go wrong all at once. Let’s just move out to the woods and pretend we don’t need electrical appliances… Except we do. *sigh* I wish you and your appliances a speedy and full recovery. *fingers crossed*


  10. Oh man, your post made me laugh, even though I feel your pain. Computer issues make me postal, especially because I feel so utterly impotent in trying to solve them. I have also lost hundreds of $$s in food due to refrigerator breakdown (in Tanzania too – no coming back from that 😦 ) If you really are going to lose the food, maybe Second Harvest can salvage it? I think they have some good fridge/freezer space. Also, and you may not like this idea, but if the laundry piling up is making you twitch, have you thought about bucket washing a couple of things? I only suggest it because I have only had access to bucket washing a few times, and it is an oddly sort of zen thing to do. Also (and this might only be true because I’m probably a lot grimier than you), but it is really satisfying to see all the dirty water pour out at the end. Good luck!


    • You’ve hit the problem exactly – the feeling of impotence. If I drop a pot of spaghetti sauce on the floor and it spews all over the walls and ceiling, it’s a *disaster*, but one I’m in control of correcting.

      Now that I have temporary solutions for virtually all my appliance problems, I’m feeling a little less panicky.
      The truth is we have more than enough clothing to get through 10 days without doing laundry and there are a few laundromats close by if needed. The challenge has been calming down this laundry obsession I never acknowledged I had.

      … and my laptop? Well, it just sucks. I hate the hunk of junk and I think the feelings are mutual :/


  11. Well Joanne, it’s the end of the day and the monkey is off your back; how do I know this? Because it jumped on my back! Guess I should not have read your blog this morning and laughed even when you blog was humorous.
    My afternoon began with a trip to Starbucks for coffee during my afternoon walk and it was freezing in the store because the strong winds kept blowing the storefront doors open; I asked the baristas to please close the other door that opened into the mall and the air pressure would then keep the storefront doors closed but the first response was the storefront doors were broken (which they were not) then the other co-worker said they couldn’t close the interior door because they had to appease other customers who like the fresh flowing through the store (well, the usually packed store was virtually empty because it was too cold to sit there (duh) and other customers were telling these baristas that it was so cold in there but the same explanations were given why they couldn’t accommodate their request to try stop the wind tunnel effect). So I sat like a King Penguin having my coffee until I had cooled off and needed to warm up.
    Next, I had to complete my errand to pick up a prescription but found out it was sent to another pharmacy which was another 20 minute walk from this pharmacy. I had problems filling a prescription the other day because my health insurer sent me insurance cards with the old health plan number on it so being the smart fellow that I am I asked this pharmacist to give me the correct health plan number that they used the other day so I wouldn’t have problems at the other pharmacy I was going to. The information I took with me didn’t work and it took me an hour to resolve the insurance information before I could get my meds and only pay the co-payment.
    Before leaving that store I happened to notice that my wedding band was missing; when it gets cold (thank you Starbucks) my fingers sometimes shrink and my ring gets loose and falls off without my knowledge. Well, I retraced all of my steps this afternoon and no one turned in any wedding bands to their lost and found departments so c’est la vie, my ring finger will be lighter from hereon. Funny, last year I bought my wife a SF Giants World Series memento ring and she lost it within a month so now it is my turn to restore some balance to our life (but I prefer the unbalanced life).
    Finally, got home, checked if my ring fell off my finger at home but no luck; then my wife told me we received the new health insurance cards in the mail today (supposed to be one for me and one for her}. They sent me 2 new cards with the correct numbers but the cards they sent cards were only for myself and not her.
    So please pass the w(hi)ne glass; I need a drink! 😦


    • Well, guess I got the monkey off my back after writing the above blog. Decided to do more back tracing of my steps; looks like a common theme here. I did the “laundry” today and folded and put the clean clothes away before taking my afternoon walk. I put some T-shirts away in a plastic box and apparently my wedding band fell off my finger and into the box with the shirts. Just decided to look there and Found It! Whew; lost this ring several times now and it’s 9 lives are almost up (getting to feel like Gollum searching for his Precious in the Lord of the Rings). Back to my unbalanced life unless I can miraculously find my wife’s missing SF Giants’ ring.
      So Joanne, hope your “laundry” issues get resolved and I’m passing the w(h)ine glass back to you for some luck.


      • ooooow …. misplacing the wedding ring is right up there on the stress scale. Kudos to you for leaving no stone unturned because I don’t think it would occur to me to look in the box.

        Hopefully my laundry issues will be resolved tomorrow when my new washing machine is delivered.
        … and my freezer issues are resolved today when the service guy shows up. Although I’m less optimistic about success on this front. Previous experience with repair services suggests it is an illusion the appliance manufacturers want us to believe in.

        … and my computer? Bah.

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  12. These things usually roll in threes. I see you’ve best them and made it four headaches. Hope you come out of this soon. I know how energy sapping it is to hurry up and wait for everything to be back to normal. ❤ 🙂


    • Thanks Tess. I’m trying to remain calm and optimistic in the face of all these inconveniences. In the end, I have to remind myself that they truly are just inconveniences.

      Before I retired when we had really bad days at work when disaster would strike, it was helpful to remind ourselves that in our jobs, when we make a mistake, no one dies. It was a helpful reality check 🙂


  13. [MOSY waves her fist at nobody in particular] Oh, come on! Now, listen here, you monkey-infested universe! For all that is good in Curious George, you need to stop this right now! Do you hear me? Let me tell you that you don’t have to go to these lengths. I can assure you that just one, at the most two disasters is usually enough for us to take notice. This is just ridiculous and if you don’t stop it right now, someone is going to start climbing buildings and swatting aeroplanes. GOT THAT?

    I hope that works. Let me know if things don’t improve.


  14. Geek hospital? Is that the same as the Geek Squad? I don’t like even saying that name…I had numerous issues with that bunch (holding my computer hostage for a week and not fixing it, even though they said they did), but ended up finding an excellent IT guy with his own business. He usually can fix most issues in an hour or less.

    Sorry about all of your troubles, I sure hope you get everything fixed or replaced to satisfaction.


  15. Oh dear. I hope I am not going to regret moving tomorrow 😦 Hopefully you have appeased the Monkey gods on my behalf (and everyone else’s too by the sounds of it). I have been without a cooker, dishwasher and washing machine for a week now. It’s very weird…


  16. Oh yuck! I’m sorry to hear about all this bad news. 😦 And the thought of all that spoiled food would drive me batty. yes, the cost thing, but also – just the thought of wasted food when so many don’t have enough to eat. 😦 Hope things turn around quickly on this streak of bad luck.


    • Thanks Nancy. Luckily we were able to jam most of the freezer contents into the freezers of our 2 fridges. What didn’t fit has become meals including a giant *emergency* blueberry pie I had to make yesterday. It’s funny how our priorities can get changed so quickly. Making pie was definitely not on my list of things to do this week 😉

      Unfortunately the freezer is still unresolved as we wait for a part :/
      On the other hand, my laundry woes are now behind me 🙂

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  17. Oh my word. I am so sorry for all this madness! All at once! I am off to go look up what year comes after year of the monkey, because I am suspicious those are the years that don’t treat me well. I really wish you a steady stream of good news and deeds!


    • I’m pretty superstitious too … sad but true. I figure being forewarned is 3/4 of the battle 😉

      btw – if you haven’t figured it out yet, next year is a Rooster.


  18. hugs Joanne! I hope you get the videos back. I’m nodding and concurring about the laundry. I have laundry issues too. It has to be done. My Mum said to me before I left home to keep the washing up to date, don’t worry too much about ironing you can always iron something just before needed….but don’t be slack with the washing…I hope that monkey goes and swings somewhere else and leaves you alone x

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  19. Sorry to say Joanne but you are such a good writer I laughed all the way through the post and felt awful but …… you describe the Cluster F#@k in such an engaging manner. I would have to agree 2016 hasn’t been that terrific for a few in my circle either. It might be a very long year!


  20. I’m thinking that ice storm you mentioned in our earlier conversation could’ve been put to good use with the freezer if only it’d come at the right time! Am sorry to hear your Monkey year has gone balls up so quickly…..perhaps clearing it all out now to make way for better times soon? Fingers crossed for you…..if nothing else you just keep right on whinging on here and we’ll commiserate with you. Failing that, remember it’s not long till the great Thailand escape! 🙂


  21. Oh no Joanne. Technology gremlins are the worst I think because we’re so helpless in the face of them (unless you’re the Big T who approaches all things electrical and appliance-y with a gung ho attitude and a big hammer). In one month last year we had to replace our washing machine and clothes dryer (the latter twice), and our kitchen extractor fan only keeps working because of the T and the hammer. Hope your freezer gets fixed before you lose the food (terrible waste) and that your computer and washing machine woes are resolved soon too.


      • That’s so funny. I can live without a washing machine (I quite like launderettes as a place to hang out, and it would mean I could legitimately get my boys to do their own washing), but take away my stove and that would be the end of my world. No more home-made bread; no more pizza nights or slow-roasts. I’d probably lose weight!!!


        • Grrr – I KNOW I answered this comment, but where is it?!!!

          I’ve never been a big fan of cooking. I’d be so happy to have meals simply put in front of me every day. Alas – that’s not going to happen in this lifetime!


          • Hehe. I’m such a control freak! I’d enjoy the meal delivery for a little while, but I’d soon start thinking about how to make the dishes better and before you knew it, I would have taken over the kitchen. 🙂


  22. Ha! I loved the title too. Yeah, I will commiserate completely about crappy monkey years. The new year seems to have started out with a lot to be desired for quite a few of us. I wish you full peace and ease for the rest of the year!


  23. Ugh! Yes, let’s blame the Monkey~ I feel your pain…really, literally, I do…but in the form of sewer problems (eeewwww!) then broken dishwasher. And I remember I bought the dishwasher at the same time as the (overworked) washing machine & dryer, so the prognosis is not good. But I’m willing to work through this monkey-business personally in the hopes that it will turn away from the political arena (a far-fetched hope, I know)!
    How does one appease the monkey?


    • That damn Monkey!! It seems so many people have been off to a rocky start!
      Soooo sorry about the sewer. Suddenly I don’t feel quite so badly about my washing machine or freezer.

      I don’t know how to appease a Monkey. I tried to keep my head down, mind my own business, tread softly … all the cliches … but that furry little bastard still found me 😦

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  24. Wow, how exhausting for you AND your wallet! I can totally sympathize with the computer problems, I’ve had to start from scratch several times. I highly recommend the laundromat – had to go there last year when our washer went out and I have to say it was quite an adventure. It will truly make you appreciate working machines. Hope your luck improves soon!

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  25. Oh dear. It seems that you are going through what I call a “wear cycle,” where everything wears out at once. Used to also be my brakes and clutch, but this time it was only my brakes, my cervical discs, and a few other body parts.

    Having grown up with no money at all–we had a manual wringer washing machine and a clothes line–but now being spoiled, living in my van–I would say, why not pack up that laundry and take it to a nice clean laundromat? That’s what I’m doing today. It’s so nice not to have to stress about the laundry! True, it’s not like your own laundry room, but at least the dirty clothes are not sitting there staring at you.

    The freezer, yes. Been there, lost 100 lb of ostrich meat (ostriches were one of my schemes to get rid of some money I’d saved….the neighbor’s dog injured two of the 300 lb chickens, so we salvaged them). If I had known beforehand that the freezer was going to die, I would have gone to Wal-Mart and bought one of those big coolers that hunters and fishermen use, and put dry ice in it, and saved the food. As it turned out, the smell was what tipped me off that all was not well in the garage….

    I very much hope you get your videos back!!! Those baby videos are priceless.

    Have you considered a Mac :-D?

    Hope the rest of the Monkey year goes much, much better for you….


    • Going to a laundromat was high on my list of things to do today … ok, it was actually #1 on my list.
      I had to be truthful with myself though … it’s an obsession rather than a need. I don’t really NEED to do laundry … yet.
      We’ve learned from experience that if the freezer is kept closed, the contents will stay frozen for 3 or more days. With the service guy coming tomorrow, I’m holding on to a tiny sliver of hope that he can actually fix it this time!

      … and I’ve already told my husband that this will be my last PC. If ever there was a final straw, this has been it and I’ll be converting to Mac.

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  26. Oh boy, sorry the year has started out with a few bumps. I also started out with a wanky computer but so far the washing machine is holding up okay! Hope the monkeys stay out of your other appliances!


  27. LOL; sorry to laugh at your troubles but the humorous writing in your blog was just so funny and it makes our problems seem like they may be insignificant when others are having issues. If anything, you made a positive contribution to our lives to make us thankful for our current situations today. But, if the gods for bad luck tell us bad luck always happens in 3s you might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (tell your dying washing machine to go to the light) 🙂
    Here’s hoping your days get better and while it might not seem to be the case, someone is probably having a worse day than you.
    Take care.


    • That is SO true!! We don’t need to look far to find someone worse off than we are.
      … but damn, it feels SO GOOD to whine once in a while!

      I was thinking about the 3-thing too and I’ve got my fingers crossed that the temperamental Monkey is finished with me – and mine – for the rest of the year!

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  28. Oh I had to laugh about your title. I hear your pain on the laundry. I never understood how people can have overflowing laundry baskets. I have the need for an empty one. I love fresh clothes and the smell of it -weird I know.
    I hope all your technical glitches will be fixed soon. Please don’t throw the food out, give it to a food bank.

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    • I completely understand your love of fresh, clean laundry. So do I and I don’t think it’s weird at all 😉

      I’d like to believe that this is the end of this run of bad luck.
      I hadn’t thought of food banks. Normally they advertise only for non-perishables. I’ll have to investigate. Thanks for the heads-up.

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  29. I hate when this kind of stuff happens. It’s almost like the universe is trying to put us in our place, saying “so you thought you were control, did you?”


  30. Yikes! I am happy to read that you now have your photos but those videos… is that the only place they reside? I can’t imagine losing something as irreplaceable as those. Good luck! I’m not sure I should admit this, but I was just thinking the other day how little we do laundry. With just the two of us, it’s just a once-a-week event, if that.


    • Unfortunately we generate an obscene amount of laundry for 2 people. Daily workouts, multiple cold weather layers, my obsession with clean clothes … I’m secretly not surprised the washing machine coughed it up after 10 years of hard labour… but why couldn’t it have been the STOVE. I wouldn’t have had issues with that. I would have {quietly} rejoiced :/

      … there’s still hope.

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  31. Oh dear it seems the appliances have formed an alliance and called a general strike. Ugh! Hopefully a mediation team can be brought in before the dishwasher gets I non the action. I can put up with some dirty laundry but detest dishwashing like a case of bubonic plague.


    • Sue, it looks like we have finally found something where our paths diverge. Although I don’t love washing dishes, I would prefer a broken dishwasher to a broken washing machine.
      Damn …. I really hope I don’t regret having made that statement …


  32. I am sorry to hear all of this. The pain that resonates most, is the $100 to hear that the washer cannot be repaired. I think this is how appliance repair people make their money now that machines, usually would cost more to repair than to build in the first place. They provide official appliance death certificates.


  33. Oh and you forgot to mention the best part: our area got an ice storm the day before Good Friday with tens of thousands of people without electricity/heat over the Easter weekend. 😦

    Poor Joanne. I feel you on the year of the Monkey business. 2016 has been a challenging roller coaster ride so far. Here’s hoping it gets better. 🙂


  34. First of all I had to laugh at your title to this post Joanne 😜 It seems like you are really having a run of bad luck and I hope it gets better soon. Just stay away from the Fuji 😀


    • It’s funny you should say that Joe, because I haven’t used it at all over the past month. It’s like I instinctively knew it was a bad idea 😉

      My sons were over yesterday for Easter dinner and son #1 was playing with it for a while. I’m very curious to see what *treats* I’m going to find on it. He’s a bit of jokester and I’m certain to find photos that will either make me cringe or laugh out loud 🙂

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  35. Oh my…what a bumpy ride indeed. If it makes you feel better, I just spent $450 to repair my washing machine….and I, too, have laundry issues. I told hubby if he didn’t get onto the repairman on week two of holding the machine hostage…I would make the two of them beat the laundry on the rocks in our creek bed. That worked, fixed machine was back in 24 hours…though not completely fixed….nothing is made like it used to be! 😦

    Chin up – this too will pass! Hope you have a better week! 🙂


    • Thank you for the good wishes. Right now I feel like I need them.

      Most people hate laundry so I’m rather encouraged to discover there’s another person out there like me. I’m actually trying to resist the urge to go to a local laundromat to get some done. It’s making me twitchy.

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