Miscellaneous Bits

I thought I might be overdue for another review of the photo library looking for random finds that haven’t been shared.  I found a few.

I wish that I had the creative gene to image a unique outer *door* like this one.  It’s like wearing a pretty necklace over a simple unadorned dress.

Queen St

Not far down the street was this lovely gate.  I think I was equally attracted to the cart behind it which was sporting an eclectic little garden.  I couldn’t tell if it was a random collection of plants or not, but decided it was too pretty to be unintentional.

Queen St2

I’ve walked up and down the streets of the financial district at least a million times over the years, but I’d never noticed this side door to the CIBC building (Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce).

The doors themselves are ordinary, but they are dressed in a most spectacular way.

Random - CIBC

In case you’re wondering about the main entrance, the doors there are also ordinary, but they too are decked out in finery.


I think I’ve found the perfect little retirement cottage near the lake.  It even has a perfect little cottage door.

I love everything about it, from its baby turret and wraparound veranda, to its location on the edge of Kew Gardens.   Too bad it’s being used as a local museum.

Kew House 2
1902 Kew Williams Cottage

This has been another episode of Thursday Doors – a weekly photo feature directed by Norm Frampton at Norm 2.0.


  1. My favorite house looks so cozy and homey, “your” retirement home! May I come visit you and your husband, Joanne? 😉
    The formal doors with braiding around the arch on side door and the layers of details in the front door on same building are gorgeous.
    The decorated door is so aptly described with the bejeweled look and the cart behind the flying dragons gate add so much to their appearance.


  2. Lovely photographs as always! Love the “little” retirement cottage. I am sure the Museum won’t mind having you live there given how you love old things!! 🙂 Maybe you could become their official photographer.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You do manage to find the neatest looking doors, Joanne, and that cottage has so much character. I’m quite sure that I’d be happy living there.


    • Up until fairly recently, the Master Gardener for the attached Kew Gardens lived in that cottage. I’m not sure why that practice was discontinued. I’m sure it was someone’s idea of cost cutting.


  4. That first metal gate was awesome and so unique…your description was spot on. And regarding your retirement cottage? It would be perfect if only you wouldn’t have so many guests rifling through…but they would be paying you, yes?


  5. I love the ‘door dressings’ and your ‘little retirement cottage’! If you move into that ‘cottage’ expect ALL of your readers to drop by for tea!


  6. So much beauty and intricacy if we just go on the look for it. Always fun to go out wandering with you Joanne. Lets’ plan to move into the turret house. I don’t think the museum would mind would they?


  7. Nice collection Joanne. That first one sure is quirky, And then there’s that cottage/museum: oh gosh, oh golly, oh my, is that ever beautiful!
    Nice finds 🙂


  8. The first gate is pretty, and the spring on the right side is ingenious! I LOVE your capture of that large hall! I know – I often have this on Thurs. – of places where you often have been – so many places, but didn’t photograph the things I saw.


  9. Oh my goodness, Joanne. I was going to talk about how much I liked the “rope” molding around that elaborate entrance, but then – the – cottage. Wow! that is such a great find. There are so many good things going on in that place, it’s hard to start. I love the curves!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You and me both! Architecture in general is made up of so many straight lines and corners. I think that’s why the rounded features are so attractive to our eye.
      But that cottage!!! Oh yes, I could happily make that my home ❤

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    • hehehe! My first reaction was to say I could do that. Then the other side of my brain kicked in and reminded me that I have a HUGE personal space. It makes life in the city challenging at the best of times!

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      • I used to want to live in a city. As an idealistic college student, I thought I could live in the “slums” and change the world. I look back and laugh at myself. I have never lived in a city and I don’t want to give up my space. Still, that house is cute.


        • I come from a very small town, but at this point I’ve lived more years in a very large city. I’d like to believe I could go back to a small town again … but Husband couldn’t. He’s a city boy to the core and would DIE in a small town setting.

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  10. Fabulous! I love the garden behind the gate. And I have never seen anything like that first one. How neat is that? And of course, the others are grand — particularly with that cross of interior light and reflection! Great doors 🙂


    • That first one stopped me dead in my tracks as I was walking by. OMG – it is all kinds of wonderful.

      I see so many wonderful things – like the garden in the trolley – that I would love to duplicate but I don’t have the house or yard for it … so I just have to love it for looking wonderful where I find it 🙂

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  11. Gorgeous cottage; I can see why you’d like it! I love the idea of a Canadian Imperial Bank. Sounds very grand. Perhaps Canada needs to start an empire; you could colonise your southern neighbour perhaps?

    Liked by 1 person

    • {choke!} THAT would be one very audacious goal!! Not to mention ill-advised. They have guns. A LOT of them 😉

      I’ve never thought of it before, but you’re right. CIBC does have a really grand name! I’m willing to bet that if you asked 10 Canadians under the age of 30, less than half of them would know what CIBC actually stands for.

      Liked by 1 person

      • … not to mention a loose cannon!
        It’s funny how we get so used to acronyms that we forget (or never know what they originally stood for). We used to have ASB (Auckland Savings Bank), which over years has morphed into something Australian-owned and now called ASB Bank. I must be getting old, but it irritates me every time I hear someone say that. 🙂 Ah, first world problems.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Wonderful doors and gates! That first one is a real gem… don’t you love that true artists help to make our world more beautiful? Maybe we need to start a “Wednesday Windows” so we can share and enjoy the gorgeous windows that often accompany lovely doors 🙂


    • It’s funny that I can never predict which photos are going to capture the most attention. In this case it’s the cottage.
      I added it at the last minute because I’ve sat on this photo for months and I think it’s cute. I had no idea so many people would share my opinion 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  13. I’ve never seen anything like the first photo. Kind of funky cool. The last photo of the amazing cottage is beautiful. Such a stylish residence, today and in its day.


  14. That little cottage is so cute!
    I guess what I’ve learnt from your post this week is that the right adornments and/or surroundings can make any door quite special 😉


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