Where I Want To Be

I’m pouting today.

I should have been out paddling today on some beautiful little river in cottage country. Instead I’m stuck in the city in the stinky heat – currently 36C (97F) with the humidity. Yeah, yeah, I know … that’s a mild day for you southerners, but I consider it hell.

The weather guessers have been predicting rain and thunderstorms for days, but we’re still waiting. In fact some rain would be a good thing if it actually fell … but it hasn’t.

The organizer of today’s paddle (with the Seniors’ Club I belong to) decided to cancel due to a risk of thunderstorms. I appreciate he was exercising a great deal of caution but even I could see from the radar that we weren’t going to be seeing any kind of inclement weather until much later this evening. Maybe.

… and so I sit in my air conditioned house, pouting, dreaming about where I’d rather be …

That’s happy me on last week’s paddle with the Seniors.
This is Norm – the leader of last week’s paddle. He’s an amazing 92 years old.
If he was the leader of this week’s paddle, I doubt he would have cancelled. Just saying.
… although Norm did get us into a tight spot that was a bit interesting to navigate.
… but mostly it was open water on a still day, with many Great Blue Herons which filled the air with the sound of their Pterodactyl-like cries.
Yes … this is where I want to be.

Maybe next week …


  1. Ugghh…the heat this year has been crazy. Every time you share your paddling photos it makes me really want to get out and kayak!! Many of the paddles around here are pretty long so I’ve needed a less oppressive day of sun for my fair skin! Soon!


    • I’ve taken to wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sun sleeves. I’ve never liked the feel of the sun on my skin so the sleeves have been a great find for me. When I feel like I’m getting too hot, I splash water on the sleeves to cool down. They’ve worked wonders!

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  2. We were recently in Toronto (a Celebration of Life) and the oppressive heat is draining. Norm, the 92 year old leader is inspirational. The water looks clear, calm, inviting. I especially like the photo of Norm and the grasses/reeds in the background. Definitely, next week, Joanne!


  3. Fingers crossed for next week Joanne. My guess is a seniors group might be a bit more cautious in making these decisions than if everyone is 20? That might be a bit broad sweeping. At any rate fabulous photos of the previous outing. Paddle on girlfriend.


    • I found out this week the logic behind the cancellation.
      The river we were going to be paddling on apparently doesn’t have a safe shoreline that we could quickly exit to if the weather suddenly turned. If a storm did blow in, we would be stranded on the water. Knowing this, I now appreciate the extreme caution.

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        • It wasn’t the leader who shared the information. It was someone I was cycling with yesterday who had been to this location before and was familiar with the river.

          As it turned out, a few people went anyway and had a great time. I wish I had known that. I would have gone too.

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  4. Thunderstorms are extremely unpredictable and so I think your leader was right to cancel but sitting in an air-conditioned house on a hot day can be depressing. Of course, you could be sitting in a house without air-conditioning!


    • I talked to someone else today who was supposed to take that trip and now I understand the logic of the decision.
      Apparently on this particular river there is no safe place to beach if the weather suddenly turned bad. We would have been sitting ducks on the water. The extreme caution now makes sense.


    • My hiking partner once said any day spent outdoors is a good day. I’ve come to realize the wisdom in those words.
      However, a day spent on or near water on a hot day is just about perfect 🙂

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        • Getting out in nature is how I keep my sanity 😏

          I am lucky because Toronto is actually a very green city. Without even leaving the city, there are many parks and ravines to escape to where it’s easy to feel like you’re far away from the hustle and bustle.

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          • That’s how it was in Sydney, where I am from. Not only did we have beautiful beaches and parks, it really wasn’t so far to be right out in nature and feel away from it all…. not so much like that in Ho Chi Minh City!

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  5. I can feel your pain; the photos show just what a lovely day you could have had. Sorry about the bummer decision to cancel. Oh, and…. Norm is 92?!?! Wow! I want to be Norm when I grow up!

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  6. You couldn’t go paddling solo? Or take the other half? 😦 I need a beach when temps top 30C, if not before! That’s what we did today and it was 27 with a beautiful breeze. 🙂 🙂

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    • Unfortunately I can’t handle getting my boat off and on the car by myself – and within my circle of friends, I don’t have anyone to go with me. I’ve been unable to convince Husband that this is a great way to spend a few hours on a summer’s day. He is stubbornly resisting it 😕

      It was Norm who actually planted a potential solution for me. He has a racking system on his car that enables him to handle his kayak solo because it’s on a lift that drops the boat down to waist level.
      The system is pretty pricey and I’m trying to figure out a way to buy one.


  7. What an extraordinary group you have, Joanne! I’m wowed. I probably wouldn’t fit into the canoe, even if I had the nerve to try. Thanks for taking us along on this paddle down memory la– lake. 🙂 Hugs on the wing.


    • One of the things I learned while shopping for a kayak is that they aren’t one-size-fits-all, and there are different types depending on the type of water you’ll be on.
      Without exception though, the biggest challenge with any kayak is getting out!


  8. Last week’s paddle looked lovely, but Norm doesn’t look 92!! Wowza, I want to live that long and be as active!

    I’m sorry you were stuck indoors this week. I hope the heatwave breaks and the rain falls to cool y’all down.

    We’ll be in the low 90’s all week, but in the afternoon we get a nice breeze that helps.

    There’s a couple down the street our age that are in a kayaking group that meets on Friday nights to paddle down Carson River. They stop for a wine and picnic dinner break then paddle on. They keep inviting us, but we’ve yet to get He-Man kayak lessons. We have to do that!

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  9. What?!? Norm looks way younger than 92!! Looks like it was so much fun. I don’t blame you for pouting when you were expecting to be on the river. If its any consolation it’s stinking hot here too. Global warming impacting everyone, everywhere.



    • Norm appears to have the lucky combination of good genes and right lifestyle.

      I’m over my pout, it’s a new day and finally raining outside … although the weather guessers are saying it will only make things more humid. Yay {she says sarcastically}

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    • Nope – no mosquitos or other biters. I’ve been eaten alive on golf courses (which is why I always carry repellent in my golf bag) but not on the water … yet. hmmm – maybe I should make a point of always carrying repellent with me just in case.

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  10. Hi, Joanne – I don’t blame you for wanting to be on the water. My fingers are crossed for you that there are no further cancellations next week.
    Oh, and when you see Norm again, you can let him know that one of your blog fans said he looks 30 years younger than his actual age!


    • I’ll have to share the comments with Norm. He’s a very soft-spoken humble man. I can’t predict whether he’d be pleased or embarrassed by the attention. I’m guessing the latter 😏

      Like the cold and snow in the winter, the heat and humidity of summer can play havoc with outdoor plans. I’m already looking at the extreme heat alerts for later this week (predicted to be in the mid 40s) and questioning the wisdom of my plans.

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  11. I would have walked around with blown-up cheeks too if I had missed out on so much fun!
    Norm must be lying about his age though – he doesn’t look a day over 60!


  12. 97/36 is hot anywhere. It was a frequent temp in Georgia, but no less hot. Here, only maybe 20 days are that hot, but still too hot. I wouldn’t mind paddling today, myself. Mostly rain here though. Went from 87 to 76 though, so that’s a bit better 🙂 I was not in the mood to work today. I would have rather read and napped. Gloomy hot Tuesday, who needs it?!


    • I think it felt worse because I was all ready to go. If I had known last night, I would have slept in this morning and had a completely different start to the day.

      Oh well – there will be a next time 🙂

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  13. I’m sorry for your woes. Pouting seems like the prudent course considering the situation. Of course, a glass of nicely chilled wine could only serve to enhance your pout. Take it to the next level.


  14. I hope by now you have stopped pouting by now and enjoyed a glass of wine or two in the air conditioning. If not, you should. Add some chocolate and you’re good to go until the next paddling adventure.

    Your photos are lovely, looks like a nice, calm, peaceful area. It’s so wonderful to be out in nature with a group of like-minded friends.

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  15. My BFF had a torrential downfall in Burlington around 1, four inches of rain fell. Nothing here in Toronto until 4:15 on Front St. poured for all of maybe five minutes.


  16. Actually, that is pretty damn hot!!! It’s only 93 in Houston today. It’s not supposed to be that hot up there! Hope things cool off for you soon.


    • Actually our summers are pretty hot and humid. This is normal … we just like complaining about it 😉

      Our weather is actually quite extreme – from broiling in the summer to deep freeze in the winter.

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  17. There are senior groups, and then there are SENIOR GROUPS. I think I would like this one. Sounds like a heck of a lot of fun, just not today. Hotter than hades here too. 🙂 And, I laughed out loud at your, weather guessers, because that is for sure what they are. it’s almost as funny as the AccuWeather app that tries to tell you how many minutes it is or isn’t going to rain. 🙂 Hope next week is cooler and dryer. 🙂

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    • We get such extremes of temperatures and I don’t like the extremes at all. Unfortunately it’s only going to get worse as the week progresses 😕

      These are a great bunch of people – energetic, enthusiastic, fun to be with. I’m lucky to have found them!

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    • He’s married 🙂

      The Seniors’ Club I belong to is an outdoor club that does everything from hiking, cycling, paddling in the summer to skiing/snowshoeing, hiking, skating in the winter. There are activities at least twice a week all year round. These people are hard-core! 🙂

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  18. Greetings from the swamp on the Rideau. I’m with you – there’s no better place to be than in a kayak on a hot summer day quietly slicing through the water and enjoying the paddles backsplash.


  19. Its raining here, I would send it to you if I could! Sorry you didn’t get to paddle, does look like a fun thing to do! Hopefully soon you can be back at it!


  20. Holey moley – 92!!! I would have said 62 (only because I know it is a seniors group), looking at the picture. Why don’t I look 30 years younger when you take MY picture…hmmmm?!?!?! Wait, don’t answer that. 🙂

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    • I know. Even in person he doesn’t look anywhere near 92.

      Knowing how much I struggle to get out of a kayak (and let’s not even consider doing it with any kind of grace), I’m in awe of watching him!!

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  21. I would always rather be in my air conditioned house. When we go on an escapade, you go paddling and I’ll make sure nobody steals your barstool. It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s got to do it.


  22. Yucky and humid up here, too – thankfully, a few degrees cooler, and a good breeze – sorry your plans were cancelled.

    Norm is 92? Astonishing. Ask him what his secret is. If he says paddling, I’m going to have to seriously consider breaking my policy of two feet planted firmly on the ground.


    • I am so amazed at the energy these seniors have and Norm is exceptional! If you’ve ever tried to get out of a kayak you know it can be humiliating … especially if you end up ass-over-teakettle in the water. I would be so lucky to be able to get in and out of a kayak if I ever reach his age!!!

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  23. I know what you are going through Joanne it’s hot and sticky out here on Long Island also or as we refer to it as swamp ass 🤣🤣🤣


  24. Definitely got your happy face on here! 36C and humid is not my ideal either. My only visit to Toronto was in the month of August and I was quite shocked at how sticky it was! Hoping you get the showers out of the way soon and can enjoy mooching around on the river again. 🛶


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