Marmite vs Vegemite – Part 2

I was so excited!  Today my order of Vegemite finally arrived in the mail!

Back in January, I wrote about my quest to try Vegemite for the first time … a yeast extract very popular in Australia.  All I could find in the local stores was Marmite … a British version of yeast extract.

The resulting post triggered debate on which was the better product with both camps insisting that they were quite different.  I just knew that with that kind of feedback, I had to continue my search for Vegemite.

Heather at Master of Something I’m Yet to Discover, kindly offered to send me some from Australia, but I chose to continue my exhaustive search in Toronto and finally resorted to the internet.  Today – seven weeks after I placed my order – the Vegemite finally arrived … from Leicestershire, UK.

I immediately dropped everything I was doing, ripped open the packaging – that little jar was blanketed in enough bubblewrap to have saved the Titanic from the iceberg – and started my non-scientific and highly subjective taste test.


The first thing I noticed was that the colour was very different.  The Marmite resembles milk chocolate while the Vegemite has the colour of dark chocolate.  In addition, the Vegemite is denser and more paste-like compared to the Marmite.

So far, so good – the score is even.

I had tried the Marmite back in January, but I insisted on a re-test.  I still found it to be quite salty with a rather sharp – almost bitter – edge to the flavour.

The Vegemite in comparison was considerably less salty than its British cousin with a rich, smooth taste.

My verdict is in …. I preferred the Vegemite by a wide margin.  It is really quite tasty and I can see why it has many faithful fans.

So my Aussie friends …. are you surprised?  I suspect not.


    • I was told that Vegemite is something one either loves or hates. I didn’t hate it … but I’m not sure about the ‘like’ part. Let’s just say I wouldn’t go out of my way for it 😉


  1. How fun to run across this post, Joanne. I ordered some marmite a couple of years ago. I really tried to like it, but it just wasn’t my thing. I haven’t tried vegemite. Have a great new week. Hugs.


    • Yeah – I get it. I tried and just couldn’t warm up to it. I even tried using it in my cooking to add some complexity to the flavour of soups and stews. If it did, it wasn’t obvious to me. My verdict – a failure 😉


  2. I love that you did this and my gosh, so many comments, it took forever to scroll down to leave a reply.
    In case you got through the jar of vegemite and are looking for another locally, I have been buying it at our local Loblaws on Queen West, Fresh and Wild on Spadina and a stall downstairs at the St Lawrence market also sells it.
    We had new Canadian friends over last week for drinks and the vegemite came out for a taste and it was a unanimous vote of vile. My husband refuses to eat it but it doesn’t bother me as it just leaves more for my son and myself.


    • Oh Cadbury … this is why I love you best!! A sweet and salty caramel chocolate … it’s a must try.
      Since it’s highly improbable that we will ever see it here, you MUST do a test tasting for all of us!!

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  3. I agree its a love it or hate it thing, there seems to be no middle ground with vegemite, Ive been eating it for all my life, I seriously have withdrawals! It’s the first food I introduced my Grand babies to. We are the original Vegemite family, I have never tried marmite or promite or any other mite, because I am a “Happy Vegemite, it puts a rose in every cheek!”
    Just popped over from the A-Z challenge when I saw the word “Vegemite”


  4. Vegemite or Marmite, it’s all the same to me: the kind of stuff I wouldn’t bring anywhere near my mouth unless I had a gun to my head (I have tried both of course). Yep, I’m one of the haters! 😉


  5. Okay, Joanne, it’s been too many years since I’ve had a shmear of Vegemite (being strictly a Marmite fanatic). So next shopping trip, you’ve convinced me to pick up a jar and give it a go. I shall do a side by side. I shall try to be fair and make it a blind taste test. I shall be hugely surprised and heartbroken if I find out I’ve been missing out on something for years.
    Cheers! 😀


  6. Haha, I think you’re the first non-Australian I’ve come across that has liked Vegemite. My sister used to have it so thick on her toast that it looked like she was eating burnt toast! You have to try it with Sao biscuits. The best 🙂


    • Sao biscuits? … something else I’ll have to go out and look for so I can try it 🙂
      I’ve recently got into the habit of toast and Vegemite for breakfast. I don’t normally eat toast, but it really is quite addictive 🙂


      • Its really good with scrambled or poached egg on top of your vegemite. I’ve also had it with avocado and salt and pepper, and in a sandwich with cheese and celery, one summer in 1992 I ate vegemite cheese and celery so much they thought Id turn green, I was pregnant with daughter number two! We also have it on “salada” biscuits. My husband is telling me when he was a boy they would have vegemite in hot water and drink it.


  7. I admire you for taste testing this! I was born and raised in the US on copious amounts of sugar…therefore, I’ll stick to spreading apple butter on my bread 🙂


  8. Ok, look. I respect what you’re doing, all that new experience stuff. Great, motivating, inspiring. Marvelous (or funny) photos. I like all that. But listen, Vegemite sucks. Vegemite ruins a good piece of organic brown bread is all I’m saying. They call things “bitter” for a reason. “Not as” bitter…that’s still bitter, hon.


  9. I grew up in South Africa, and we breakfasted on toast with Marmite and Bovril. When I emigrated to Australia 18 years ago, I found that I preferred Vegemite to any of the others, due to its milder yet still satisfactorily savoury flavour. Since being diagnosed with gluten antibodies, I’ve resorted to smothering called Mightymate, an Australian gluten-free alternative, and it’ll do.


  10. ‘We’re happy little Vegemites as bright as bright can be. We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea. Our Mummies know we’re growing stronger every single week, Because we love our Vegemite, we all enjoy our Vegemite, it puts a rose in every cheek!’ Awesome Joanne, it was a no brainer really 🙂 (PS that’s one of the original jingles for Vegemite – it would be on YouTube I’m sure).

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really had a lot of fun with this one. Anticipating the arrival of my little jar of Vegemite was part of the fun 🙂
      Now I don’t know why I resisted trying it so vehemently all those years ago when I was in Australia!

      Liked by 1 person

    • I just went to Youtube and watched 2 versions of the commercial – with the marching soldiers and the circus. Cute … but I couldn’t help notice the THICK layer of Vegemite on the toast at the end. Sheesh – and I was reprimanded for putting too much on my toast!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. This post started off so well, and then ended so badly when you voted for Vegemite over Marmite!

    Being a Marmite addict, I can tell you the ‘Canadian’ Marmite in your picture is different to the British Marmite, and doesn’t taste as good! Maybe you’ll have to do another taste test 🙂


    • I was surprised that no one came to the defence of Marmite – until now 🙂
      Interestingly, I just went back and looked at the Marmite jar and no where does it tell me where it was manufactured … only that it is a trademark of Unilever UK.
      … and so the debate continues 🙂


  12. Blaaah! I can’t believe there’s a photo of yours that didn’t make me smile…. Ick. Lol. Still, your vegemite started its journey about a mile away from my house! 🙂


  13. Having tasted Vegamite after I won an Aussie blogger’s contest, and nearly choking on its nastiness, I’m now in awe to learn that the British version is even worse. Yikes.


  14. Wow, Joanne, this is quite the discussion about two products I have never tried.
    I enjoyed reading the passion behind all the opinions!


  15. As an Aussie, a little Vegemite goes a long way. Best used sparingly. Although I have had friends and family who lathered it on heavily. But that’s not for me. Glad you enjoyed it.


  16. I am so glad you continued your search. I have been eagerly waiting for the results of this scientific study you delved into so deeply! I’m still not totally convinced that I want to try it…but at least your description of Vegemite is more appealing then Marmite.


  17. As a southern girl, I have to say I prefer the vegemite. and as the Venerable 1 says, it needs to be spread thinner. glad you were able to put these beside each other and test. Have you tried Amazon Canada for stuff like this?


      • Same here. I think when it is cheaper and easier, they do that. Here in our county is an amazon warehouse that covers several acres. Oddly, I bought my vegemite at an Asian food store. I remember we spoke of Maggi….it was right beside the Maggi. Truly odd. Maybe they use it in its form thinned out with liquid? I don’t know.


          • This was in a Cambodian store. I think it was a rather unqiue item but like you say, you always get interesting things in an Asian food store. My Japanese chopping knife came there and was cheaper than any place else. I also found some lovely pearl complexion soap…..


  18. I never liked Marmite, but I do like Vegemite. One question though – are those pieces of bread the right way round? I always though Vegemite was paler than Marmite.

    “The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown food paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty.”


  19. Oh, and something I forgot … Our Dick Smith put out one of these, called OzeMite – genuinely made in Australia. And there’s also MightyMite, and that’s made here, too ! The sad thing is that Vegemite isn’t, not any more.


  20. We are not, of course, Joanne ! – but you’re still spreading it a bit too thickly.
    Or maybe it’s the way *I* was brought up, while everyone else likes it slathered …
    If you can say that spread so, you like it, why should I say anything at all ?! [grin]


  21. As an Aussie i’m surprised you liked our salty spread. If you didn’t know the history of it, it was made after WW1, when Marmite imports were disrupted, with yeast dumped by breweries. As Nutella was created (by Mr Ferraro) due to a shortage on chocolate the creator mixed Hazelnuts with it to ‘extend the supply of chocolate’. Great things came because of a shortage. Glad you enjoyed.


    • Thanks – I didn’t know either story.
      To tell you the truth, I’m surprised I liked it too. Ten years when I was in Australia, I wouldn’t touch it. I gagged just at the thought … who knew?! 🙂
      I’ll be having vegemite on my breakfast toast this morning!


  22. Our house has gone vegemite free for the last 3 weeks but we are cheating and have it at our caravan on the bay. It makes our little visits to our van a bit more special. Remember, don’t slather it; it’s salty enough already. And as I have said before, comparing it to Nutella is like comparing jam to peanut butter.
    It’s no surprise to me that it beat marmite. I agree with one of the commenters – promite’s not bad for a change.


    • Why have you decided to go vegemite free?

      At first my head started to spin with all the product variations that started to pop up. I decided I would limit my taste testing to marmite and vegemite 🙂


      • We find, not buying things, especially if you buy them habitually, forces you to try other options. It’s a bit like you trying all these new things this year. Some may not be positive but one may be a real gem. You would never know if you didn’t give it a go. Vegemite has been in my life for over 50 years. Time for it to have a break.


  23. You were excited to get some Vegemite in the post. Well doesn’t that just say it all? I think you need to get out more Joanne. Some fresh air and exercise would be most beneficial.


  24. Seriously. Nutella and Vegemite don’t even belong in the same paragraph let alone in the one sentence. They are completely different things. Nutella equates to chocolate jam in my book. Vegemite is…well, Vegemite is Vegemite.


  25. I am surprised Joanne, as I thought Vegemite would be saltier than Marmite! If you get sick of it like that, you can make a mixture of butter, Vegemite and grated cheddar cheese, spread onto bread and cut into fingers, and dried out in the oven to make cheesy snacks to go with drinks. I think my mother may have even added a bit of grated onion, so let’s say that’s optional! Lovely to know you went to all of that trouble to try this Aussie staple. My favourite is Promite, which is sweeter and less salty. ❤


  26. The thing I like best about this post Joanne is the line about the Vegemite being wrapped in enough bubble wrap to protect the Titanic. Brilliant! I have never tried either of these. Can I go with Tess and the Nutella?


  27. Joanne, this is something I myself have wondered about for quite some time, but trust you to go out there and get answers! Thanks for posting this….I have to say I’m with Marissa….I’ll probably never try either, but if the situation arises, Vegemite it is!


    • It depends …. do you like salty? If you do, you might prefer the Marmite 🙂

      I have to say, I really had to work hard for this one. Finding Vegemite was not easy, but Mr Google delivered for me again 🙂


  28. No not surprised at all. You may be interested to know however that there are at least two distinct types of marmite. That imported from the UK is quite a different substance to that made in Australia and the English here shun the Australian variety. My husband however prefers Promite to the lot of them. My grandfather used to say to us as kids (causing us to laugh uproariously but totally disbelieving) that during the war in Australia you had a choice of Marmite, Vegemite, Promite and Pawill. We could always get our Pa to agree to anything whereas ma was always we might. I discovered recently however that it was not a joke and there was a product Pawill that was a similar substance.


  29. I love that you continued this post when you received the Vegemite Joanne 🙂 My preference is of course Nutella because I’m addicted to hazelnut flavored chocolate 🙂


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