M = Majorca, Spain

Years ago when I was doing Ironman races, Gilles and I would go to various training camps organized by our Canadian coaches.

In 2007, the annual spring training camp was in Majorca.

So what does it look like when a group of cyclists head off to a training camp?  It’s a lot of luggage and careful logistics.

M = Majorca4

Majorca was a beautiful destination with breathtaking scenery, great cycling weather, and some very challenging riding.

M = Majorca

However, in spite of the gorgeous surroundings, it wasn’t our most successful or enjoyable tour.

M = Majorca2

We had issues with the local guides who managed our riding routes, and a number of serious crashes put a dark cloud over the group.

It was the first time we had to leave someone behind when we eventually returned home. One rider was still in hospital and would be several more days waiting for a medical flight back home.  Thankfully he subsequently made a full recovery.

M = Majorca3

As a result, my memories of Majorca aren’t the fondest, but I cannot deny the beauty of this lovely island.

M = Majorca5

All photos were taken by my husband, Gilles.



  1. Joanne! I have been to Mallorca which I am sure is the same place, an island in the Mediterranean. Your husband’s photos are beautiful. The cyclist going through the narrow passage in the cliff-like rock “tunnel” was amazing!
    As a high school senior I went with my Mom’s (she taught at another H.S.) Spanish Club which joined my H.S. club. We stayed in student dormitories for some of our time in Madrid and Valencia. This kept our meal costs down since we ate our breakfast and lunches there. We stayed in student’s rooms while they were on Spring Break. Each room had 2 twin beds with a set of sheets and towels. They must trust American students, since while we didn’t take anything, we certainly peeked into closets and drawers! They put out bottled orange juice and milk with breakfast and Coca Cola and wine for lunch. The parent’s signed permission to drink while in Spain. Yay!
    I was sorry to hear of a fellow cyclist’s critical accident. 😦 I really wish you had better experiences to provide wonderful memories, Joanne.


    • Wow – that trip must have left a real impression on you – wine on the lunch table 🙂

      Yes, Majorca and Mallorca are the same place. I’m not sure of the origin of the different spelling though.

      There are very few places that have left me with a sad memory, unfortunately this is one of them.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve never hard of Majorca, so I actually had to look it up. It looks like it was a really beautiful area, though I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. I am very glad he made a full recovery. That coast line is gorgeous, though! What happened that made some of your crew get injured?


  3. Joanne the first thing I was struck with ‘Years ago when I was doing Ironman races’….Wow how many people can say that?! I am bowing down before you Superwoman!
    Sorry to hear of the accidents of others in your group. Hopefully not long lasting effects.


  4. Those photographs are amazing; it helped to look at them and then to imagine bicycling on those roads. Whoa. Injuries aren’t that surprising, but sounds like other places are more careful with their routes. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Never been to Majorca, but it looks stunning. A shame about your negative memories; I guess when you travel to so many places, some of the trips will not go as well as others. Hopefully, tomorrow’s destination is a happy one 🙂


  6. Such a shame about your friend – I’ve heard many wonderful things about the island. You’re right – there are a lot of Germans in that part of Spain! We stayed at a campingplatz in Blanca (just north of Barcelona and across from Majorca)

    Liked by 1 person

    • As a Canadian, I tend to forget that the distances in Europe to travel from country to country is not the same as here.
      I remember many years ago as a child being in awe of a Dutch uncle who vacationed each winter in the French Riviera … until I related the distances to Canada. Suddenly it didn’t sound so exotic anymore 🙂

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    • That’s the problem, isn’t it? You see and hear about other people’s adventures and want to add it to the to-do list someday. My list keeps growing – it never seems to get smaller!!


  7. How unfortunate to have been left with a negative experience when visiting this beautiful place. Perhaps a return trip some day just to enjoy the surroundings!


      • I can understand that Joanne. Interestingly my colleague at work cycled in Majorca a couple of years ago & claimed it was one of the best & most beautiful cycling trips he had done. Just goes to show you, we can all experience completely different feelings when visiting a place!


  8. I’m one of the very few, Swedish people who haven’t been to Majorca. When those cheap, charter flights started back in the 60s, Majorca was the first destination. They started to go back there, over and over again.

    Both my brother and my niece were avid cyclists. My niece competed, on a national level, I think.


    • We had heard that Majorca was a major tourist destination for Europeans. When we were there, it seemed EVERYONE was speaking German. We had to keep reminding ourselves we were in Spain, not Germany 😉
      Cycling is considerably more popular in Europe than in North America … and they have the terrain to develop really strong competitive cyclists.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Looking back at all of your different cycling adventures made me wonder if Gilles was an avid cycler before you started the iron man goals or did you start out doing this together? The reason I ask is a friend of mine’s husband is an avid cycler and has been for many years, she is not but as an artist, she takes his away time as a time for doing art. I was just curious of the dynamic of cycling in general.


    • Gilles was originally a runner. He took up swimming and cycling in order to do triathlons.
      I wasn’t athletic in any way. I took up running, then cycling, much later. In my case, it was a matter of “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”.
      It changed everything – our circle of friends, how we spent our leisure time, vacations, … everything.


  10. Wow! Those pictures are beautiful! It’s too bad you had problems. It would be so much better if you could think back on that trip with fond memories!


    • yes, I agree … but I guess they can’t all be winners. This was the first, but unfortunately not the last, camp we would have when there would be injuries from crashes.


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