Changing Seasons: The Lost Month Of July

This year continues to fly by and we are already at the end of July.  I had such big plans and high expectations for this month but none of it was to be.  I’m still somewhat entrenched in my pity party, feeling unmotivated and uninspired since my cycling accident in June.

However, as I was reviewing my photo library for the month trying to scratch up some inspiration for the Changing Seasons post, I was surprised by how many pictures I had actually taken. Perhaps the month wasn’t a complete bust after all.

These are the images from my “lost” month of July.

  1. The chaos of a family gathering early in the month.  Since this had been early days in my recovery and I had very limited use of my left arm, the guys took over on my behalf.  What they lacked in organization, they made up for in laughs and we had a great time together.  In other words, it was perfect.


2. Summer means Race Season for this family.  With one son into obstacle racing and the other son into triathlon, we were busy spectators this month.

Son #2 in foreground heading to the start line of a Spartan race … an obstacle to overcome before an obstacle race


The *showers* post-race.  I loved the clouds in this perfect summer sky.

Early morning skyline on race morning of the Toronto Triathlon Festival
Son #1 and his dad getting ready to race


The swim portion of Swim, Bike, Run at Ontario Place for the Toronto Triathlon Festival.  I was told the water was very cold.

3. Walking in lieu of cycling.  Hiking along the Rouge River near home.  July has been hot, humid, and very dry. The grass actually crunched underneath our feet.

Hiking - Rouge-2

Hiking - Rouge-4
Photos taken with my Android phone

4. And July of course means the 6-day Friends For Live Bike Rally from Toronto to Montreal.

I was very sad to wave good-bye to the riders and crew as they headed off on this year’s ride.  I was supposed to be going with them.  Instead I am restricted to following their progress through social media.

Bike Rally

Bike Rally 2
Riders and crew gather under cloudy skies at Allan Gardens prior to departure

I’m looking forward to more summer ahead, hoping I’ll be fully healed soon, and that August doesn’t fly by quite so quickly!

Changing Seasons is a monthly photo challenge hosted by Cardinal Guzman.


  1. Your photo of the stream made me realize, you are maybe in pain but you still choose peaceful walking in nature and enjoying your place as cheerleader for your son, husband and others. Nicely expressed and display of courage and Grace under fire, Joanne.


  2. It looks like your pity party has been filled with adventures even if you weren’t able to participate in the race. How’s the healing after the accident?
    Obstacle racing seems pretty cool!


    • The healing is coming along but sometimes I feel like I’m taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back. In other words, I’m very impatient :/

      Obstacle racing is WAY more fun to watch than triathlons. When it comes to athleticism, these people really rock.


  3. I am glad you remembered some good times this month. Hopefully you are feeling better after the accident.
    I tend to feel down a lot when I am stuck at home more than not. Then I look back on the hundreds of pics I still managed to take and realize I did have some good moments in my days. Hugs


    • That’s exactly what happened to me too. I felt like the entire month was a bust … until I started reviewing my photos.
      This Changing Seasons feature is a great way to look back on the month 🙂


  4. Joanne in some ways I am happy for you that the time is flying by. Each day a closer step to being fully recovered and getting back to the activities you love. I wanted to reach through the screen and give you a hug as you sent your cycling crew off on their ride. Such a disappointment for sure. Xoxo


  5. I can SO relate to having a schedule and carefully laid plans turned topsy turvy by an accident – they’re never convenient, are they? My husband and I were on an uninhabited island of Scotland (Staffa), when I stepped on a basalt column just wrong… my left foot turned completely inward, dislocating! My husband wrenched it back into place, but because it didn’t break, I was out for the count for nearly 6 months before it was completely well again. 😛 I hope your arm heals quickly, so that you can enjoy the rest of the summer!


    • OUCH!! I’m not sure which part I cringed at more – the dislocating part, or your husband putting it back into place.

      I’ve been told that dislocating a joint is
      FAR WORSE than breaking a bone and the I’m not surprised by your long recovery time. UGH!!

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  6. For someone laid up with a significant injury you’ve pulled together a mighty fine post! Actually, it’s a mighty fine post regardless. So kudos. 🙂
    What’s in the Tupperware container on the table?
    And when you and Jude decide to open the bottle of Bombay Sapphire, let me know and I’ll be there too.


    • I’m really quite proud of their passion for challenging themselves like this. The least I can do is provide support and encouragement and showing up to watch them cross the finish line is a *win* for both of us!

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  7. Wow…for such a physically fit family, you sure can put away the booze! 😀 😀

    July has gone way too fast…working on the house every weekend I take pictures but am too tired to organize a post. So, I’m just going to admire yours! 😉


  8. Wow! You did well as far as photos are concerned, all things considered! I’ve hardly taken any at all. It’s too hot for me 🙂

    That ‘smorgasbord’ for the family gathering looks really interesting and tasty. Awesome shot of the CN tower …


  9. Well I am happy to leave all the running and cycling to you and your family, but I don’t mind sharing that Bombay Sapphire with you 🙂 Glad you are on the mend Jo. Take it easy now…


  10. The party looks like the food and drink were delicious, and you were able to get out and enjoy your families activities from the sidelines. The images are priceless! I hope Summer lasts a good long while yet. I’m not ready to see it end either.

    Take good care of yourself!


  11. In Finland we often think that summer is over in August! Probably because schools start then and people return to work. But I think I will try to think like you and see summer as ongoing even in August 😀


  12. I feel bad for you, Joanne. It’s tough to miss a season of activity, especially summer. I hope you continue to heal. Maybe summer will run well into September/October and give you a second shot.


  13. I agree – July is going by far too fast. We’ve been cool out in CA but it’s starting to heat up and with it, the air quality is going down. ; (


  14. I know you probably hate being sidelined for all this action but I’m wondering if you have noticed or appreciated different things being an observer instead of a participant? Sometimes, I’ve found, that when I’m in the middle of something, I’m so focused on what I’m trying to accomplish that I miss the finer points. Still, July looks like it’s been a pretty good month, regardless.😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nancy, you are bang on!
      The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that because I’ve been forced to slowdown, any task I’m working on takes my total attention. I’m not already starting to fuss about the ‘next thing’ I have to get done, or beating myself up at the end of the day because so many things didn’t get done.
      It’s been an excuse to stop and smell the proverbial roses.
      When I look at it that way, it has been a pretty good month 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  15. I know it must be hard to stay on the sidelines… but look at what great pictures you are able to take! Having now driven from Toronto to Montreal, I’m even more impressed at those who make the journey via bicycle! Wishing you continued recovery!!


    • Thanks Janis … although I must say that I was feeling somewhat less disappointed about missing Bike Rally when I woke up this morning at 4:30 to the sound of thunder and pouring rain.
      … it’s not so great in a tent – or having to ride on the wet roads.

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  16. Gah, I feel your pain Joanne, in not being able to participate in the way that you would like to. I am not very good at standing on the sidelines either! Hoping you are mending well & will be back to your usual active self very soon my friend.


    • Thanks Lynn. I’m definitely afflicted with FOMO right now :/

      I’m feeling particularly pouty right now because I overdid it thinking I ready and now I’m suffering for it. Now I know what it’s said patience is a virtue. It’s because IT’S REALLY HARD!!

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  17. It must be difficult to be injured during a month when there are so many outdoor activities going on. Although, I would think trying to get around in the snow with an injury would be even worse! How far along are you in your healing process? I’m sure you are going to be very happy when you’re 100% again!


  18. I hope you’re making progress, and feeling better. Lazy guy that I am, it looks to me like you’re getting a nice break, not having to race in any of those triathlons.


    • I’ve only recently come to appreciate how active we are as a family. My husband and I have been involved in training and racing for years, but our sons are relatively new to the racing environment and we couldn’t be more proud of them 🙂

      … and not surprisingly, our get-togethers usually involve discussions about training and racing!


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