Filler February

We’re closing in on the end of the shortest month of the year and it’s time for February’s version of Changing Seasons.  I know it’s been said by many people before me, but the best part of February is the fact that it is short.

Credit goes to Ally Bean for the inspiration for this month’s title.  In a comment exchange one day she said that February was just a filler month until spring arrives.  I rather liked that description.  It fits February perfectly.

This month’s story is all about the weather and its radical swings.

Warm. Cold. Snow. Rain. Spring-like temperatures.  This has not felt like a normal February at all.

I suspect Mother Nature has been dipping generously into the grape juice and then randomly spinning the old weather wheel for her amusement.

How crazy has it been?  These 2 photos were taken exactly 7 days apart.

Sunday Feb 12th
Sunday Feb 19th

One day I thought it would be a great idea to venture down to the lake to capture some photos in advance of a huge oncoming ice storm.  High winds had whipped up Lake Ontario into a frenzy and much of the surrounding vegetation was already encrusted with ice.  The roar from the wind and waves was deafening.

before-the-icestorm3It was a brilliant idea … at least until the freezing rain started much earlier than I expected.  By the time I got back to my car, I was wet and half-frozen.


When sun came out, the temperatures soared well above normal and Lake Ontario took on a completely different look … enticingly blue and inviting.


From gray days of ice and snow …


Gilles with his new toy

…. to days of brilliantly blue skies.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEven Theo seems overwhelmed by it all.

theoChanging Seasons is a monthly photo challenge hosted by Max at Cardinal Guzman.  It’s never too late to join the challenge and capture nature’s changes from month to month where you live.


  1. Haha, one week apart. How crazy is that? 😀
    We had a kind of spring feeling here too, but then snow decided to show up. Most of it melted quickly, and then it got cold again… Soon the spring will be here though.

    Here’s the status on my eta application:
    “it has been determined that you do not meet the requirements for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA).”
    That’s all because of some misunderstanding, so I visited the embassy in Oslo (which means that technically I’ve actually been to Canada) and explained the situation and then had to write an email to some office.
    They replied:
    “Dear Applicant,
    Your e-mail has been forwarded to the Immigration department at the High Commission of Canada in London for a response.”

    Still waiting for an answer from them, but hopefully it works out fine.


  2. Where do you live? The extremes of weather in your pictures is very much like my home–Minnesota. We had a day of 60 degrees last week. This was freakishly high! Great photos!


  3. My winter is judged these days by whether or not the horses need blankets or rain sheets and by that count it’s been a crazy season so far! Amazing photo of the waves on Lake Ontario – it so often seems a big, calm pond but your photos show how deceptive that can be!


  4. Joanne, how long does it take you to get to the lake? Can you walk (and if that is an unrealistic thing to even say, forgive me). I loved photo with the waves. I’ve not seen Lake Ontario, but I’d sure like to.
    I know that I am the odd woman out, but I have truly missed winter this year. Despite the fact that warmer weather means more opportunities to ride (if my schedule would ever ease up) I would have appreciated a typical winter. #climatechange
    Having said that, spring seems to be here and I’ll enjoy it! 🙂
    Hope you’ve been well. I’m trying to fit WP back into my schedule!


    • You have such a full and busy life, Laurie, it’s any wonder you make it onto WP at all 🙂

      I guess by city standards, I don’t consider myself too far away from the lake … about 15 – 20 minutes by car. Those are the parks close by – there are places all along the lake to visit.

      I was shocked one day during a news show when they had gone into schools in the north-west part of the city (I live in the north-east part), and there were children – over 12 years old – who did not know they lived in a city on a lake!! They had never seen the lake!!


  5. Quite the contrast between those first two photos Joanne. We’ve had a similar roller-coaster February as well. A number of days have broken hi-temp records – and by that I mean 80° F when it should be 40. It’s confusing the hell out of the flowers and trees which will obviously get zapped by frost soon. ~James


    • That’s the unhappy part about a stretch of unseasonably warm temperatures. The plants get confused and then killed or badly damaged in the freezing temperatures that follow.
      Today we are back to temperatures just nudging the freezing mark, so more typical. Unfortunately, it now feels cold!


  6. The grays of winter look nice in photographs, but I feel chilled seeing them, Joanne. *Shivers!*
    The brilliant blue skies always make me smile! It is almost this same blue here in Ohio today but I am not up on Lake Erie so missing the beautiful lake reflection you captured!
    Theo is so sweet and “innocent” looking! 🙂


  7. So is Gilles hoping for more snow so he can play with his toy?!

    Poor Theo…he looks drugged! I know it must be stressful for him….what do I wear today? Is it cold, warm? kitty boots? Mittens?!
    OK..I may have gone a little overboard with the Theo questions 🙂


    • Ha! I think Gilles would be just as happy as me to not see any more snow 🙂
      As for Theo, he DEFINITELY doesn’t like the cold or the snow. The past several days he’s been one very happy kitty outside in the warm spring-like temperatures. He’s been running regular patrols around the property trying to sniff out the interlopers who’ve been trespassing during his winter absence. It really does make me laugh. He looks like he’s on guard duty 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Love these dramatically contrasting landscapes! Put it down to global warming I guess. Many are seeing unseasonable warmth in February this year. What a gorgeous lake to live nearby to. Lucky you. It’s great to experience a lake in different seasons. We had that with Lake Michigan when we lived in Chicago.

    Best photo for me, is the one of Theo! Love his expression and pose and location!! 🙂



    • All of the Great Lakes can see a lot of very dramatic changes depending on the weather. They’re like mini-oceans 🙂
      Unfortunately I think we’re going to see a lot more weird weather in the years ahead.
      Theo is my big fur-baby and I can count on him to make me laugh at least once a day 🙂


  9. The images are beautiful! I like the snowy ones the best. It just looks so magical!

    Those waves were really splashing! I can imagine just how cold you must have been.

    We’ve been wet this month. It’s rained most the month I think. I won’t complain we need it. I just wish flooding wasn’t happening too.


  10. Great photos! Not quite as extreme here, or maybe just warmer? We hit 70 today and should again tomorrow, and then snow is forecast for the weekend. Fine by me… BUT! Tulips are coming up, kinda afraid for my tulip babies… :/


  11. We have a bright blue sky right now, but more rain is in the forecast. I would imagine that’s an easier transition than winter snow to spring in just 7 days. I love your pictures showing the contrast.

    I’ll be happy to see February in the rear view mirror too.


    • Yesterday we had record temperatures for any day in February and today is wet and soggy. I feel like we are a full month ahead of schedule.
      However, there’s no doubt in my mind that we’ll see more snow in the month ahead.


  12. Wow! Talk about extremes. Your photos are great.
    I like the phrase “filler February” but it’s so wrong for Down Under. Feb is often our best month: less humid than January and more consistently warm than March.


  13. I do like the phrase ‘Filler February’ and it has been a weird month weather-wise here too! Temperatures in the mid-teens and now wind and fog (that’s what comes with living near the coast on the Atlantic) with heavy falls of snow predicted in the north of the country when our 4th named storm of the year arrives tonight. Dear Doris. Who comes up with naming storms for goodness sake? Anyway we are just hunkering down until we run out of milk and have to make a dash to the supermarket… Lovely to see the Fat Cat looking so well 🙂


  14. February Filler is an absolute perfect description for what these last 22 days have been. I guess I should be grateful for the 70+ degree days, but I still find myself yearning for leaves and green. Your photos are awesome as always – thank you for giving us a peek into your weather-confused corner of the world 🙂


  15. Beautiful lake with that blue sky, Joanne. Our February has been consistently gloomy this year when usually we’d be getting little tastes of spring. Theo on the keyboard made me laugh. Been there. Ha ha.


  16. It has been a very strange month weather wise, that’s for sure! Fantastic group of photos Jo, illustrating the crazy changes from day to day. Mother Nature sure can’t seem to make up her mind!


  17. Maybe I should mumble it but 8 @8&3 ;3?47-46 (te he even the cleverest of code breakers won’t crack that one). I understand your recent two wheeled purchase when looking at the penultimate photo, Joanne. A beautiful day and location to ride (avoiding the big dog (or bear) that’s marked it’s territory a little too enthusiastically. And Theo adopting his doppelgänger’s pose. A lovely post to show just why 8 @8&3 ;347-46 🙂


    • I thought I had cracked it at “I hate winter”… at least until I noticed the characters don’t match and there’s a wrong number of them. A clever code breaker I am not!

      As much as I would LOVE to be on a bike this week, it’s actually too wet for me. Yes, there are plenty of people out on bikes right now, but I really don’t like the effort of having to clean my bike afterwards!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I’m with you on that score… Or should I say 8 -‘ 285)… No I shouldn’t. You were so close. You got the first word/letter which, in my book, (not the code breaking one) is pretty good. 🙂


  18. Hi, Joanne – We’ve all seemed to have unusual weather this month. Vancouver Island has been no exception. Unfortunately, our March forecast indicates continued ups and downs (with the total precipitation for the month predicted to be 30mm above the average). Taking a cue from you, my husband and I have just planned a last minute escape to Florida.We are looking forward to less rain/snow/slush and more warmth!


    • The west coast has certainly seen some very untypical weather. I know it’s not funny when a city like Vancouver gets paralyzed by snow.

      Enjoy the warmth and sunshine of Florida!! 🙂


  19. It sure has been a fickle month. Can’t seem to make up its mind.
    Love this, Joanne: ❤
    "I suspect Mother Nature has been dipping generously into the grape juice and then randomly spinning the old weather wheel for her amusement." 😀 😀 😀


  20. These photos are gorgeous and capture the weirdness of this winter’s extremes. The blue lake gives me hope that spring is almost here, while Theo’s lack of enthusiasm mirrors my own this month. Thanks for giving me credit for the title. Much appreciated.


  21. Love the pictures. Gilles looks happy, and Theo looks like he needs a belly-rub. I love the way the lake changes its mood to greet the day Ontario is one of (I think only two) of the Great Lakes that I’ve seen from both sides.

    I hope March settles down and ushers in a nice normal spring, instead of its recent practice of proving that it can bring wintry conditions to our neighborhood.


  22. Love the contrasts. Which is what we love about living in a climate with changing seasons, right? Right?

    Hey, I wonder if the new snowblower will mean an early end to winter? You know, one of those Murphy’s Laws things.


    • When he bought the snowblower, that’s exactly what I was thinking too 😉
      The prediction had been for more snow than usual … at this point I’m hoping it’s simply wrong and not a case of it being saved for March and April.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. We have had one snow and maybe a week of cold weather, otherwise, it has felt more like Spring. I told a friend yesterday (as we were walking in short sleeves and capris) that as much as we need a hard frost, I’m perfectly happy jumping right into Spring. Hmm maybe there IS such a thing as “climate change.”


    • I don’t get the nay-sayers, but then again, there are a lot of things I don’t understand.
      I’m hoping we don’t have a nasty surprise ahead of us in March and April as payback for February’s amazing weather.


  24. I haven’t got much this month, maybe next week. It actually snowed in Victoria this week. On the top of our big hills we call mountains. Some of those photos of yours look positively Springy.


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