It’s A Good Day When …

It had been a long day.

Not in terms of hours, but in terms of all the ‘stuff’ that had been packed into it.

Good stuff.  Slow, easy-going, soul-renewing stuff.

As we sat quietly in the car, each of us lost in our own thoughts, I realized with a small smile that it had been a good day.  In fact, a really great day.

You know what I mean … the kind of day when:

Your agenda was relaxed and the surroundings were beautiful.

Ste-Anne Spa

There were periods of both animated conversation and comfortable quiet solitude.


You walk confidently among the dragons …Dragons

… knights in shining armour …


… and various fairy people …

Fairy People

… blowing bubbles into the wind …


… all without losing your place in the ‘real’ world.

And on this magical day, dinner was simply ice cream at the nearest Dairy Queen – because it felt ‘right’.

You had just spent this wonderful day in the company of good friends.


Note – this ‘day’ was actually 48 hours in the great company of Deb from The Widow Badass (centre) and Karen from Profound Journey (right).



  1. It’s so great to see three of my favourite bloggers enjoying a spa day together. The location looks lovely. My three (adult) children took me for a spa day to celebrate my 60th birthday a couple of years ago, and it was really wonderful – both the spa experience, and spending the day with the three of them. It wasn’t my first experience at a spa, but it was my first spa DAY. Boneless describes it perfectly.



    • I don’t think a spa day spent alone would be the same. I saw a few people alone with a book and although I’m comfortable spending solitary time, this is the type of experience that just seems so much better with good company 🙂


  2. Looks to me that you had not only a good day, but a GREAT day. Going to the spa with good friends, surrounded by knights and winged fairies and bubbles. Truly, you can’t get much better than this. xo


  3. Joanne – I have followed you for a while and I have to say that I think you have a new style of writing – maybe it has always been this way but such a nice flow with words and thoughts/
    And women brave enough to share photos in bathrobes get an extra gold star! Yes – let’s be who we are / my friend and I snap occasional photos after yoga class (sweat – and hair – etc.) it is all about living life to the full and this what was felt here !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ‘Slow, easy-going, soul-renewing’ – doesn’t get better than that. That spa looks so inviting and any day with bubbles is a good day #bubblessolveeverything. Spending a day in the company of good friends is the icing on the cake.


  5. Looks like it was a very special time in a blissful location Joanne. Fun to share with friends too. Did the three of you meet through blogging or did you know each other before?


  6. How awesome! And heavenly! If it weren’t so hot and muggy here…I’d be jealous. Well, maybe I am just a little bit jealous. Glad you girls had a wonderful day!


  7. OMG. I am so jealous. I admit it… beyond green with envy. Ok, for the spa day as well. And the ice cream for dinner. But mostly, for the meet-up of 3 amazing women I would so like to meet IRL. I can only imagine the conversations…. and get even more envious. Seriously, I am so glad you were able to do this… it’s been put on my bucket list for sure. I need to create a map of where all my blogging buddies live now…


  8. It looks like a beautiful place and relaxing day. How great that you were able to get together! Thanks to introducing me to additional great bloggers, Joanne!


    • That was the same for me, Peta. I’m not exactly a sit-around-doing-nothing kind of person and I should have been very hyper at the end of the day, but in fact I felt ‘boneless’ 🙂


  9. It was great to see you in the spa zone, Joanne – the glazed eyes, stumbling walk and blissful smile of someone really enjoying every minute. We’ll definitely do it again. I can’t think of a better way to spend a day than with two good friends in a beautiful place like Ste. Anne’s.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Not sure I could enjoy such an experience. I’d be worried the whole time that someone was stealing my wallet. Nonetheless, congratulations for finding a way to relax with good friends.


  11. Yeahh! And not to mention a door! 😉 I’m so glad you had glorious couple of days with good friends! I can’t complain either: I’ve had a month in the country of origin with my parents and now amore has joined me too for two weeks. And it’s been hot!!


  12. Hi Joanne! How cooool to do a spa day with fellow bloggers! And ice cream for dinner? How great is that? I can only imagine the wonderful conversation AND laughs. We should all have something like this on our bucket lists! ~Kathy


    • All three of us were definitely exhausted. When I got home, I promptly had a nap.

      I don’t think non-bloggers really get the connection that can happen between bloggers and the real friendship that can result.
      I’ve never had a spa day like this before and getting to spend it with 2 like-minded individuals with stimulating conversation was icing on the cake.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. OMG! I am so envious! As I was going through your day, I was reflecting back to days that I’ve had like this… just perfect. Then, at the end of your post, to see that you got to spend your perfect day with Karen and Deb – wowzer! The three of you look terrific – so happy and relaxed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We weren’t exactly coiffed to look our best, but happy and relaxed does describe it perfectly 🙂
      This was actually my very first spa experience. I’ve been to spas for one-off treatments like a massage, but never a full-day pamper city like this one. All three of us were pretty mushy at the end of the day 😴

      Liked by 1 person

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