On The Cannabis Trail

It’s been almost a full year now since Canada legalized the recreational use of marijuana, and it seems that everyone and their brother has been climbing on the cannabis bandwagon.

From sleep aids and ointments for aging joints (the body kind), to stress management, pain management, and just plain old “having a good time” – there is a buzz about cannabis.

… and yes, the industry is riddled with plays-on-words.

It’s been more decades than I care to admit since my toking days and if it’s one message I’ve been getting over and over again, it’s that today’s weed is not the same as the stuff of my youth.

You had to have known it would be just a matter of time before I would begin to poke around wondering what all the excitement was about. I blame my brother who introduced me to edibles earlier this year … and yes, I know, edibles still aren’t legal in Canada, but they should be by the end of this month. Call him an early adopter.

… and so it was that Deb (Widow Badass) and I went on a side trip last weekend while on our way to the Ottawa area. You know … intellectual curiosity …. strictly for research purposes …

It’s unlikely you’ve ever heard of the small town of Smith Falls, Ontario – located about 45 minutes from Ottawa.

It is the home of Tweed, a cannabis producer owned by Canopy Growth, the largest cannabis company in Canada … or second largest, depending on what source you read.

Once a bustling community, Smith Falls was gutted when their primary industry – Hershey Chocolate – closed their plant here in 2008. Like so many other North American industries, Hershey production was moved to Mexico.

Evidence of the facility’s chocolate roots can be spotted everywhere.

The facility sat empty for several years and was slated for demolition, however in 2014, along came Tweed and a plan to use this facility as a medical marijuana grow-op.

Its operation grew as the legalization of marijuana became imminent and let’s just say that Smith Falls is booming again.

Even without the aid of our GPS, we knew we were in the right area from the undeniable odour that subtly drifted in the air. It was Deb who detected it first … even before we were out of the car.

We were enthusiastically greeted in the Visitor Centre by one of my nieces who works for Tweed. They love visitors but are not allowed to do any promotion – including the “come and visit us” variety – so they rely on word-of-mouth.

A wall of “zombie-moss” in the lobby and an old piece of machinery from the Hershey days used to coat Glosette Raisins.

Not only did we have a lot of fun, the tour was really quite interesting – at least to me. I had questions – many of them. Like, did you know there is no difference between medical-grade and recreational cannabis?

Tweed’s growing license is based on square footage, not yield, which is what I had originally thought. It is up to the facility to maximize the use of the square footage for which they are licensed.

Nor are the plants grown from seeds. The resulting offspring from each seed would be somewhat different from its ‘parent’, so to ensure consistency in the crop over and over again, they use cuttings from a ‘mother’ plant.

The room with “Mother Plants”
The nursery was rather quiet with only 2 racks of infant seedlings
The Harvest Room with plants heavy with flower buds.

The lighting used in each room is different. Spring/summer light is used to stimulate growth in the Mother Room and Nursery, and late summer/fall light is used to stimulate flowering in the Harvest Room. I don’t remember our guide actually using these terms to describe the rooms so it’s very likely this is my own fabrication.

I was also surprised to learn that they are allowed to use only the flowers. The leaves and stocks of the plants are subsequently destroyed. We weren’t given details on how exactly that was done, but it’s all shockingly wasteful … in my humble opinion.

Nor did we witness the harvesting process.

While the tour and our guide were both fantastic, it wasn’t flawless.

Disappointment #1 – no free samples. What kind of tour doesn’t give you free samples? Just saying. Health Canada with all their rules and regulations can be such a buzz-kill.

Disappointment #2 – nor were we allowed to run with wild abandon through the marijuana plants. As a minimum, I had visions of strolling through the crop discreetly rubbing against the fragrant plants like a purring cat.

Disappointment #3 – the day of our visit was supposed to be the first day of chocolate production at Tweed. Yes! Chocolate production is coming back to Smith Falls in this former Hershey plant. However, Day 1 of “production” appears to have been devoted to only “equipment checks”. Not a single bar of chocolate was to be seen … or savoured.

The first bars of cannabis-infused chocolate from this facility won’t be available until February. February!!! That is how long it is expected to be before approvals from Health Canada are obtained for this new product. This is a strictly regulated industry.

In the meantime, the underground market for edibles continues to flourish …. not that I would know much about that sort of thing …

Oh, I almost forgot. It’s Thursday and you’re probably expecting a door …

A big garage-style door

The closest I could get our guide to explain what was behind this door was a comment that this area is used for hosting ‘special events’. My imagination took over from there.

If you’re still with me at this point, thank you. It’s been a much longer post than usual and I appreciate you staying for the whole tour. If you’re ever in the general vicinity, I hope you’ll stop by and say ‘hi’.

Yes, it too is a pun.


Thursday Doors is a weekly photo feature hosted by Norm 2.0. You can sample a wide variety of doors at his place every Thursday. Stop by. Tell him I sent you. You’re not likely going to get any cannabis but I’m told he makes an amazing chocolate chip cookie.

Anyone else got the munchies … ?


  1. That’s a nifty place. I enjoy the puns and the decriminalization of it. It’s too good for too many to have it prohibited, IMO.
    However, I hate the smell. More than that skunk poolside chez toi. The difference is, the weed smell can give me a horrible headache/migraine for 12+ hours, whereas the skunk smell is merely icky. Any legal consumption on my behalf might be best done in the form of an edible.
    (Linen scent and geranium do the same to me and linen is probably the worst, so I hope that doesn’t get trendy, lol!)
    The CBD oil has been big here a while now, providing noticeable pain reduction in my hands, and it even cleared up some eczema.
    I wish legislators would blaze up and open their minds.


    • So many people have been singing the praises of CBD – including 2 of my siblings who are converts in helping with their sleeping issues (it runs in my family 😕)
      Sadly, in my very limited exposure to CBD, it hasn’t helped me at all. Maybe I haven’t given it a fair enough shake.
      I’m glad to hear it’s helping you with pain management. You’re not the first one who has said that.

      I find it telling that instead of learning how to use and benefit from natural products, like cannabis, legislators have historically been more interested in banning them, in favour of man-made products with endless side effects.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats to health Canada for making this move to legalize this for rec use-
    And laughing at your disappointment lists – very fun….
    The next time I am in canabis – I mean Canada – I will see if we can arrange a tour here. I am not a pot smoker (makes me sick – and so did rides at amusement parks) but I do believe hat this natural plant should not be criminalized –
    And oh my goodness is it a better option than opioids or alcohol —


    • Amen!! I think we have a lot to learn about this plant and criminalization was just a silly move (imo).

      Like you, I can’t smoke. Even being around any kind of second-hand smoke can trigger a major sinus headache.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes – silly and just horrible – hope the US follows Canada’s lead on this –
        Also – I heard that in Canada they allow insurance to be used to help pay for the cost of a hiring of a health coach – I hope they do that more here in the US soon….


          • Hi – well I am not sure of the exact details – but my husband is a part-time health and I guess one of the other coaches in his group is from Canada and she said something about her services being covered there.
            and regarding a health coach – that term varies greatly and is tough to define

            Liked by 1 person

  3. What’s not to love about this post? Particular all the fun word play. This was fun and fascinating, Joanne. Great pictures, and what a wonderful comment thread! I’m sorry if you’ve already answered this somewhere but… It’s been decades for me because of mandatory random drug testing at every job (and being my only source of income (single), I was a chicken). How is the new stuff different from the old? Not as potent?
    Thanks for a delightful read. Hugs on the wing!


    • Oh, those pesky random drug tests! 😉.

      Apparently the cannabis today is considerably MORE potent. I’m certainly no expert on the topic, but I suspect that because a lot of the stuff we bought illegally back in the 70s was cut generously with herbs like oregano.

      hmmm – maybe that’s why they sell only the flower buds now. A bud is a bud … there’s no faking that.


  4. That looks like quite the operation! A shame they didn’t have any free samples. I haven’t ever tried any edibles, but it does seem like a better way to go in order to save the lungs. 😉


  5. Great post, Joanne. I especially liked the image of you rubbing up against the plants and purring like a cat. California legalized Marijuana for recreational use last year. San Francisco is going to use the tax money to build new housing. I’m glad we’ve stopped incarcerating people for using it.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Great post, but I too would have hoped for a few freebies… So disappointing to have it at your fingertips, but not being able to fully partake in it… Maybe Californian beaches are better, you could get high on just the whiff of marijuana or whatever the ‘medicinal’ stuff is they smoke there…



  7. Hi Joanne – I read Deb’s post on your visit … and loved more details … it’s been interesting seeing how Canada is dealing with the introduction of cannabis. Loved your post – but I’d prefer chocolate – not too often though. Glad you enjoyed your visit … cheers Hilary


    • Hi Hilary – it’s so nice to hear from you. I agree with you that chocolate is always an excellent choice. I have yet to try cannabis-infused chocolate so I’m going to reserve judgement as to whether they do it justice. Chocolate is after all a sacred thing 🙂


  8. I was wondering where you would go with this topic, Joanne:) You often made me smile with your play-on-words. I especially liked how you located the right area without your GPS. I am still very unclear on the different types of cannabis. I have learned more from your post, Joanne, than I have all of my 60 years on this planet. You don’t look like the running with wild abandon type, Joanne?! An excellent post on many levels, Joanne🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I never expected to see legalization in my lifetime so this is really quite an adventure. I’m just so surprised at the people who are embracing it that a few decades ago would have been horrified at the suggestion.

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  9. Hmm, I’ve never had a chance to tour a legal facility (and I’ll leave to your imagination the kinds of places I’ve toured). Cannabis may be legal in Canada now, but its growing and selling is extremely heavily regulated. It will be interesting to see how things evolve.



  10. Joanne, I had to read this to Ben as well… here are his comments:

    I now have clear visuals of you as a cat purring as your rub against the tweed flowering cannabis plants. Forever in my mind.

    The next step in this trajectory is the emergence of cafes where one partakes freely of the “samples” much like in Amsterdam, and much like people go to bars. As well, we can expect a lot of food infused cannabis to show up in special event type dinners. Much to look forward to.



    • Ben – I agree with you. I also think it’s the logical next step but who knows how long it will be before that happens. I never thought legalization would happen in my lifetime so anything is possible!



  11. Hi Joanne,
    OF COURSE you did this trip with WBA! When you said in your last post that you would be writing about the trip in future posts I was looking forward to seeing what the two of you had been up to, but I never anticipated this!!!
    CBD products are everywhere around us now; in fact Dan uses it daily to help his back. My son smokes medicinally for anxiety but NOT medical marijuana as it is so much more expensive. He had told me that there is no difference between the medical stuff and the recreational kind so I knew about that. But he also reiterated what you said that this is not the pot we smoked in college. That was always the sleepy/dopey/munchies kind. Now you can have the “relax and go to sleep” variety OR the “relax and stay awake” kind.
    I’m kind of over it…been there, done that. But I consider it a benign recreational product in comparison, say, to alcohol and was glad that Massachusetts legalized it. And there is considerable evidence that many folks find it helpful for a variety of different medical issues.
    Too bad you missed the chocolate…I’d have been in for that!


    • CBD seems to be the new panacea for everything and I’m delighted that it is helping so many people. Unfortunately I’m just not one of them.

      I come from a long line of really poor sleepers and have suffered from bouts of insomnia most of my life. When many people began extolling the virtues of CBD as a sleep aid, I became highly keen to try it.
      Unfortunately it’s been a bust for me. Products that family members claimed were game-changers for them, did absolutely nothing for me … I was still awake staring at the ceiling until 3 am. Sigh.

      I just have to focus on the other virtues of cannabis instead 🙂


  12. I’d probably have to go with old fashioned smoke it way. I tried Edible Brownies back when I was 16. It wasn’t a good high for me. I felt so awful I climbed in my tent and slept for 8 hours and missed a whole day of fun with the girlfriends I was camping with.

    It sounds like a good tour you and Deb had, but yeah I get the disappointment! No samples! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  13. You had me with the title. Haha.

    Of course you went with Deb/Widow Badass! Super interesting post …. I’m a big fan of medical marijuana and used it v successfully for pain after an eight hour surgery years back… (its
    great for pain and for headache reduction too). Not saying thats the only time I’ve used it, I would be lying…but seeing as I don’t drink or smoke cigarettes a girl has to have some vice in life. Edibles though have sent me on some crazy “trips” and am not eager to do that again.

    Yes, tossing the leaves is wasteful as one can use them to make cannabis oil.

    In California plants are grown outdoors and those babies see the real sun…Ive never seen an indoor facility though so this was interesting to see. And interesting that seeds are not used. That makes sense. More economical too. Hope you went elsewhere for your samples. (Chocolates of course.)



    • As far as vices go, I think this one can be pretty ‘benign’ (in my humble opinion 🙂) however I appreciate there are those who disagree with me and that’s ok too.

      Edibles would be my choice. I think I would cough up a lung if I attempted smoking or vaping. I was prescribed an inhaler once for a chronic sinus/lung problem and would gag on it. It was entirely useless. Eating, on the other hand, I’ve got down pat 😉

      In our climate, growing indoors is really the only economical option. I was stunned at the statistic that this one company has a million square feet of growing space across Canada. That’s a staggering number!!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. What a great field trip, Joanne. (Much more to my taste than spending a sub-freezing weekend in a cabin in the wilderness with no indoor plumbing.)

    I got to visit a recreational cannabis dispensary on my last visit to Colorado. And tried a few different varietals, Including chocolate. Wish recreational cannabis was coming soon to a town near me!


    • As far as field trips go, this one was primo … and it included excellent indoor plumbing facilities 🙂

      Admittedly, it was out of our way but even the drive there was interesting. Neither of us had been in this area before and made a mental note that there were plenty of other things we would like to stop and visit on a future trip.

      Retail outlets are still rare as hen’s teeth – at least in Ontario – and the early days of online shopping was chaotic caused by chronic shortages. I assume those issues have now been ironed out. Which brings me to disappointment #4. Their gift shop (and yes, they had one) didn’t even sell their own product. Perhaps I can understand that they can’t offer free samples, but it seems they aren’t even allowed to sell their product at their facility. Most curious.


  15. What a fun post (did not even notice it was longer than usual)! Ahhh, the edibles … like Pam’s friend (lol) and Manja, I’ve nibbled and know they can get ya and/or make you paranoid, but how fun is it to be able to at least try?! As for the smoking, that’s long done, and from I hear also, we might get a very big surprise by the power of the new stuff. Thanks for your research and intellectual pursuit!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Happy news for Smith Falls!
    About the seeds and cuttings – I just finished reading about apples, and they are the same way. The seeds do not grow up to be anything like their parents. This has been a very good thing for the apple tree – it has been able to adapt to nearly every climate because of the vast differences in adaptability in each and every plant.
    If you look at the apples in the store, you will see that there are actually very few types and they all come from grafted trees. There are a few people now who have started apples trees from seeds so that the huge diversity of apples is maintained.


    • I am a haphazard gardener at best so I found this discussion quite interesting. While I’ve long understood that grafting is a thing, I guess I never really appreciated that genetically it’s cloning and its implications for agriculture.


  17. It’s been legal in Colorado for 5 (?) years now and I have learned more about growing from your post! Watch out for those chocolates – they’ll get ya (speaking for a friend ;-)). We have a grow house and dispensary down the street from our neighborhood…every time we drive by, I think there is a dead skunk near by haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly – that distinctive skunky smell! Although having said that, I think that freshly ground coffee beans also has a skunky smell but it doesn’t stop me from drinking it 😏

      … hmmm, what does that say about us? 😆

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  18. I used to work about a mile from the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory and the smell of chocolate when the wind was blowing in the right direction made it really hard to concentrate.


    • I know what you mean. I used to work near a Peek Freans factory and when they were baking maple leaf cookies (somehow I suspect you don’t have those in the US), it seemed to seep into my pores 🙂


  19. Thanks for the fun and informative tour, Joanne. Love your excursions for “research” purposes and we all benefit from your findings. I have a family member who lives in Smith Falls. She gave us chocolate from the old Hershey plant.


    • I remember people who would go on Hershey tours (and still do today in Pennsylvania). As much as I like chocolate, I’m not a fan of Hershey … but I do like the fact the town has recovered!


    • It’s a huge leap from classification as a criminal offence to legalization and I appreciate that it’s a topic that polarizes people.
      All in all, I think it’s a good thing but I’m sure there is a very strong story on the other side of the argument.

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Bahhaha. Let’s just say that my smoking days were over in 2007, that edibles give me paranoia, and that if I were there I’d just wish Hershey was back, scent including. They could at least let you rub. And I hope you nicked a bud, or three.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I guess they know about ‘sticky fingers’. We weren’t allowed to see the plants except through glass 😆
      Like you, my smoking days ended well over 35 years ago, but I can remember the ‘glory’ years 😆

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Great post, Joanne. It is really interesting how many different types of cannabis there are. Who knew when we were younger that it might actually be beneficial medically? Thanks for sharing the tour with us.


  22. Happy to read about your adventures in cannabis. I’m an advocate. In my opinion, edibles are the riskiest for those who are worried about overdoing it. You have to go slow. For example, I enjoy Kiva chocolate-covered blueberries to help with sleep. Each one is 5 mg, and I used to cut them in half. After awhile, I could eat a whole one, and I’ve never increased. Just one before bed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • There is a definitely a risk of overdoing it with edibles because of that lead-time. I like the idea of amchocolate-covered blueberry before bedtime. Unfortunately, in spite of the positive experience of others, I find it doesn’t help me sleep 😕


  23. What a fun and informative post, Joanne. I’m with you on the disappointments. Not fair!
    BTW – I actually do know Smith Falls. I have a good friend from there. I have another friend from Tweed (the town, not the factory). Good to know the area is beginning to boom again!


  24. I understand the long post, as cannabis tends to make people chatty.

    I think it’s great that Canada has legalized pot. But did you know that those involved in the legal pot industry in Canada are technically not allowed to enter the United States? And if they try to enter, they can be banned for life. That’s because cannabis is still prohibited by our very stupid federal laws, and considered to be a Schedule I narcotic, along with heroin and LSD. And those who legally produce cannabis in Canada are considered to be members of drug cartels.

    We have some very stupid drug and immigration laws. Perhaps we need some edible enlightenment from our neighbors to the north.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had heard about that. It’s the new wave of paranoia now. I recently heard a story about a woman who (stupidly) tried to carry CBD tablets across the border. Even though the tablets didn’t contain any THC, she was apparently banned for 10 years.

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  25. Love this Joanne! Who knew the infamous Hershey plant would become cannabis central! I too, may have tried some edibles last year, it wasn’t pretty but it sure was a hilarious story to tell!


  26. What a fun adventure even if there was some disappointment involved. [February?] I like the photo of the mother plants, all warm and cozy. Not at all worried about being ripped from the ground by government officials. What a brave new world in which we live.


  27. Oh, this is such a funny post! I keep imagining your face when you discovered no freebies and no chocolate! Having got a taste for Chilli chocolate I have to wonder what cannabis flavour would be like. Chocolate, ahem, brownies were interesting if I remember correctly… but I am pretty sure I have read that over here that medicinal cannabis does not make you high like the other stuff does. Not that I have personal experience. Of course.


    • After having gone on this tour and talking to people, I’m starting to feel like a bit of an expert now 😉 I’ve learned that oils, gels, and various edibles have different ‘doses’ and some may in fact have no THC in them at all – for example some CBD products – which explains why there is no high. This is one case where reading the packaging is really important!

      btw – I LOVE chili chocolate with that little bite of heat. Yum!

      I actually knew there were no samples before we went to Tweed. In fact it would have surprised me if this industry had been allowed to provide samples.

      The chocolate however was a real disappointment. It was purely by chance that we were there on supposedly Day 1 of chocolate production. When I learned that I was quite excited, but even our guide said he was a bit disappointed when nothing was coming down the line yet, and at the rate they were going, it likely wasn’t going to be until the following week (we were there on a Friday afternoon).

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  28. Fun post duuuuuude!
    I haven’t touched the stuff since my mid-20’s and I guess I’d double check with my doctors before trying it now; except I really don’t feel a need to. Since it was legalized last year I keep telling my 74 year-old OCD prone Mom that I’m gonna get her high just so she can chill the f*** out for 10 minutes 😀
    Nice to see you were able to squeeze in a door before the end of the post; was kinda wondering there for a while.
    More than anything though, I’m happy to see that it’s bringing jobs and some economic benefits to communities like this that really could use a boost.


    • Oh Norm, you just gave me one of the best belly laughs I’ve had in a while … “telling my 74 year-old OCD prone Mom that I’m gonna get her high just so she can chill the f*** out for 10 minutes”. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Very informative post for me since I know absolutely nothing about this product but have certainly seen all the promotions for the oils down here. Thanks for taking us along because I not only learned a lot but I found it interesting from the gardening perspective.


  30. HI JoAnne–this was a fun trip. Here in sunny Florida, so many people are flashing the “I have a medical marijuana card” in response to failing a drug screen. As the vape shops close, the cannabis shops are taking over. This shop is quite impressive.


  31. You crack me up. I just adore you and your spirit to try/do anything. And of course I always love how your write and your play on words.


  32. hahah . I enjoyed that romp! (just couldn’t say trip!) . I have been to that plant 35 years ago! I worked for Hershey for 2 years and had a tour of the plant. Got free chocolate too!


    • omg – that’s so cool! Give or take another few weeks, you could go back for another tour and see a new flavour of chocolate being produced 😉

      … I wouldn’t be counting on samples though 😏


  33. Great post Joanne 🙂 I never managed to fall off the cannabis bandwagon and what a long strange trip its been. I have to agree with you todays “herb” is different from when we were younger. It’s a lot more expensive also. So much for free market systems and supply and demand, LOL.


    • Who knew, right Joe?! I would never have guessed we would see legalization and this level of acceptance in my lifetime. Even people I know who are straight as arrows have adopted cannabis products for various reasons – usually sleep aids.

      I have to admit though, I was surprised that in fact it’s as cheap as it is. Maybe it’s just that I was so poor in my youth 😉


  34. I think my favorite thing here is how you used the double entendre of “buzz-kill.” Well done, touché, etc. 🙂 They won’t let you run around the fields? How cruel! Even wineries at least let you roam in some sections just to get a feel for the terroir. But it certainly sounds like you got the full experience.

    We haven’t exactly had any opportunities to sample legal cannabis, but the same warnings you’ve heard about pot not being the same (lower) strength from earlier have scared us off. Several years ago I had a bad experience with some chocolate-infused (laced?) product that wasn’t made in any sanctioned facility (more like someone’s kitchen), but that probably scared me straight. Still, I’d love taking the same tour you took. Thanks for taking us along. – Marty

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    • Your chocolate experience sounds similar to one I had with mushrooms many years ago.
      I’ve always been a strong proponent of legalization if only for the consistency of the product and the reliability of the packaging.
      Mind you, that still doesn’t prevent issues occurring when users fail to read the packaging to understand the doses of the contents.

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  35. Well done, my friend! I love how you were able to clearly capture the neon “Trip” sign with your camera. I’m afraid mine are all a little blurry. I’ll refer folks to your post once I get mine up and running. I really enjoyed our tour, and share your disappointments…well, except for the lack of chocolate samples 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wait … what? You don’t like chocolate? How did I not know that?!

      I had to take numerous photos of that sign and I got only one that wasn’t blurry … and I was delighted to discover it when I downloaded all my pictures.

      Looking forward to reading your version of this trip 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Chocolate, especially in desserts (think ice cream and cake) is not my favourite. I’ll pick anything but, or go without before I’ll eat either of those items. Other chocolate stuff I can take or leave, unless it’s complimented by lots of vanilla goodness – like a chocolate dipped cone from DQ…mmmmmmmm! 🙂
        I was relieved when you offered me a slice of homemade cake and it was NOT chocolate (and damn delicious, may I add!).

        Liked by 1 person

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