The Glass Slipper No Longer Fits

I make no secret of my love for shoes.  For the third year in a row, a giant shoe calendar graces the front of the fridge in my kitchen.


While I embrace electronic technology in all its wondrous forms, I still prefer carbon-based technology to schedule the events occurring in my life.

… but I digress …

I can trace my fascination with shoes back to high school math class and a certain teacher named Miss Schutt – later to become Mrs Eaton.

I waited in anticipation of each class to see what pair of fashion genius she would be wearing on her impossibly tiny feet.  More than a few times I marvelled at her ability to actually walk in those skyscrapers.

Fast forward many years later as a young professional, my choice of shoes was very modest – plain pumps with a sensible heel – but I would look longingly at their *kickass* cousins.  Over time, my growing confidence was reflected in my collection of shoes.

By the end of my working career, my closet was filled with every type of “dress-up” shoe in a wide variety of styles, colours, and heel heights.  Practicality didn’t always factor into my shoe choices … especially considering my monster-sized flat feet.

A recent review of my closet however has revealed a new truth.

While the direction in my life has changed since I retired, my passion for shoes has not.  It’s merely taken on a new form.

Smile everyone for the group shot

Instead of dress shoes, my closet now overflows with boots.  Snowboots, rainboots, hiking boots, … even snowshoes … all vying for space and attention.

Hiking Boots
Summer and winter hiking shoes

It appears that one can never have too many shoes regardless of what form they take, but  I must admit that for the most part, my feet are happier for the change.



I firmly believe that with the right footwear, one can rule the world.
                                                                                                               Bette Midler


  1. I love shoes!!
    I once saw a photo of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia’s closet. A wall of shoes, on one side was Portia’s high heels and the other side Ellen’s tennis shoes….I envy Ellen’s wall of tennis shoes!!
    I also envy your boot collection!


  2. I’m not a shoe buff by any means. I broke my ankle on wedgies in the 70s and rarely wore heels after that…my shoe collection has always been modest. But, I have many friends with large shoe collections. I do like the way they look and envy those who still wear them…but they come with a price. The wiser me knows that my feet love me for my simplicity and functionality! 😀


  3. LOL! I love those stiletto heels. Alas I can not wear them. The one time I tried I fell right on my arse. In front of what seemed like the world at the time.
    Sensible heels have been the rule for me since. I too have very few pair of heels left. Most of shoes are boots cute ones with a 2 in. heel, and hiking, and snow boots, wellies, and ballet flats.

    My daughter wears heels 4 inches tall and higher! I don’t know how she does it.


    • After writing this post and reading all the comments, I’m starting to realize that the change in our shoe closet appears to be a rite-of-passage.
      We reach an age where we can confidently embrace another (more comfortable, workable) style because it fits us better – pun intended 😉

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  4. It’s a strange thing how the shoes change over the years. I still love my heels but there are more flats used these days…and let’s not talk about running shoes. How many running shoes does one person need? LOTS!


  5. There is a lot to be said for comfort (my absolute favorite ‘shoes’ are these boots I call slipper boots, because they have a soft, furry inside and are so comfy it’s like wearing slippers.) I do have some less-comfy dress shoes for work, but when I come across any that make me miserable, they get donated. I have a ridiculous number of shoes but I manage to justify each and every pair 🙂


  6. I thought that was you sneaking through my closet! Yup. I also went from 6″ platforms to hiking boots. To humor myself, I do all have 3 pairs of heals from 30 years ago that still look great, however not sure if I could wear them for longer than an hour.


    • Another shoe-ie!! 😉

      Like you, I have several pairs of heels in my closet for those just-in-case occasions. It’s fun to dress up, but I’m more than happy to take off the shoes as soon as possible.

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  7. I have more forms of sandals than boots, Joanne. Must mean I want to live in year long summer location. 🙂
    I do feel my closet of clothes and shoes have changed from fun, dressy and pretty choices to casual and comfortable. This part is my boring list: a black pair of tall leather boots with 2 or 3 inch heels, tan suede boots with fake fleece inside, a pair of hiking Uggs boots and a pair of black furry boots. I cannot list the #s or colors (pink! Gold!) sandals and probably only 5 pairs tennis shoes. I need a new pair of walking shoes. My Sketchers shoes are my favorite. I have two serious pairs of “church” or funeral shoes, 2″heels. I love your calendar!! 🙂


    • I came back to see if you saw my sandals comment and thought I ought to add that once summer starts, I am often barefoot from morning until night on weekends. . . I once had pretty shoes and a favorite pair were black ones with criss cross ties up my ankle, Joanne. 🙂


      • I’m not sure how I missed your first comment! Glad you came back for another comment, because now I know I have a shoe-sister 🙂

        This made me smile because – like you – my summer shoe selection is bigger than the number of winter boots 🙂
        I actually don’t like walking around in bare feet and virtually always have something on my feet.


  8. LOL! The office dress shoes have certainly given way to comfortable and sporty rubber shoes since I quit working. And it does seem that I am going to indulge in more because YES, you can never have too many shoes 😀

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  9. I have just given my last pair of shoes with heels to the charity shop. Haven’t worn them for 15 years when I bought them for an interview (those were the days when I wore suits!). I have always been rather a bare-foot-in-the-kitchen person, or clogs. And clogs just let your feet spread! Have to say I do like those purple ones with the ‘wings’. Can’t imagine how anyone actually wears them though o_O


  10. My closet looks VERY similar! Over the years the fancy shoes have disappeared and more reasonable and fun ones have taken their place. They look like glass slippers to me. 🙂


  11. Shoes is just one of our common interests. I, too, smile at how my definition of shoe porn has changed since my lifestyle changed. 🙂 I still have the stupid/impractical/ridiculouslyhigh shoes, but most of my closet is taken up with hiking boots, running shoes and all manner of boots. In fact, I just bought a pair of Blundtstones which are making me riduculously happy. 🙂


  12. I’ve never understood the girly shoe thing. Girly shoe shops make me feel like Julia Roberts on Rodeo Drive in Pretty Woman. “You don’t belong here.”

    My line up would look like yours only with sneakers instead of boots. One of the great things about moving into Special Ed is that I am required to wear flat non-slip shoes so my five pairs of Converse/Vans sneakers get a good run.

    This year’s ambition is for a pair of Docs. 😀


    • The only time I encountered the ‘you don’t belong here’ attitude was shopping with my sister at the Asian mall nearby.

      Both my sister and I have size 10 feet. We found a lovely little pair of shoes in the mall, but when we asked to try them, the sales lady literally shrieked at us.

      We managed to control our giggles until we got outside. I still can’t think of that story without smiling.

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  13. I remember your obsession with shoes and dedicating a blog to you about a vintage shoe. I gave up heels shortly after the babies came. It just seemed foolish to be teetering after them. I can still do a 2 or 3 inch if it’s got a nice solid heel. I never could do the straight out pumps with no platform under the sole.


  14. Oh man… those shoes in that calendar are truly hideous. I think I need to rinse my eyes with mouthwash. I’m more of a lover of simple elegance. However, since I can’t wear heels at all (sniff), I only ever buy “sensible” shoes. I bought three pairs just this week, in fact. And they’d be very much at home in your own shoe closet 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hideous?! They’re awesome! Especially the purple and sparkly number at the top 😉
      … not that I could ever stand up in them, let alone walk.

      It pains me to say that I agree about the sensible shoes. At this stage of my life, I would prefer to live out my remaining years highly mobile rather than crippled by my shoes.

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  15. One can never have too many shoes, that’s just a fact. I have 2 or 3 pairs with heels for special occasions (they might require a training class now before wearing) and the rest are comfort shoes. Flats, sandals, running shoes, dog walking shoes, snow shovel boots…a long list. No glass slippers here either. 🙂


    • hehehe! It’s funny you should mention the training class for wearing heels. Periodically I will wear heels just to make sure I still can.

      I would hate to be all dressed up and ready to go out only to discover I can no longer walk in my shoes!


  16. I have also seen that transformation from business friendly footwear to boots, and running shoes, and believe the world is much better for the change…I don’t have quite as many pairs, but I do appreciate the enthusiasm of being ready for the occasion.


    • I had no idea that guys would go through the same transformation, but it does stand to reason!

      I’m pretty sure there is no going back now. The body would simply not allow it 😉


  17. Oh goody! Shoes. I love shoes! What a glorious post. And your closets look just like mine here…..I’ve also been growing quite a collection of boots here…..all kinds and even colours for any occasion…….shoes to go out and live life in, that’s what they are!


    • That’s exactly it!
      When I was working, my shoes were simply one more accessory to my work ‘costume’.
      Now I live life in my shoes.

      Of course in the summer months, the closet looks completely different … sandals, flip-flops, little flats – all in a rainbow of colours 🙂


  18. Ha ha, Joanne. Love the photos of the boots and sneakers. No need for those spiky heels anymore, huh? I’ve never been a shoe person, but then I didn’t have a Miss Schutt with her fascinating feet! “-)


  19. My shoe inventory changed many years ago, after my first knee surgery (I’ve had five more since then). After that, I could no longer wear heels so flats it has been since the early 80s. That was a huge change for me because I’m very short so I ALWAYS wore heels.

    Funny how many things change when we have one area of our life change!


  20. My shoe inventory has changed a lot since retirement too. I don’t have as many boots as you do (maybe I need to work on that), but the pumps and heels are either gone or hidden in a shoe box somewhere deep in my closet. I did buy some sparkly high heels to wear on New Year’s Eve, though. Big mistake… they were gorgeous but amazingly uncomfortable after just a few minutes. And, I was in constant fear of toppling over. So much for vanity.


    • That’s the problem. The *best* shoes are impossible to stand or walk in. They’re marvellous for making the *grand entrance*, but then they have to be quickly abandoned.

      I went to a wedding a few years ago where the bride really understood that point. At the reception there was a box full of flip-flops in a huge variety of colours. All the women quickly shed their shoes in favour of flip-flops. It was a GREAT party 🙂

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  21. Boots have been my style for years now and I’m so much happier. In younger times it never occurred to me that shoes should feel comfortable the minute you put them on! Great group shot of your boots but it’s probably your feet that are smiling😊


  22. I have always loved my big-girl shoes & am known in the office for my love of heels. A few years ago, I had I had an issure with my heel & had to wear flats of which there were none in my closet (besides my gym shoes). Although I still love my heels, they tend to be a little more sensible than in years past! Love the calendar btw!


    • I don’t have many occasions to wear heels anymore and even then, I’m cautious of how much time I’m going to be standing or walking in them.
      Flats are an entirely different category I haven’t touched on!! 😉


  23. Normally I get the 365-pictures wall calendar for Ireland, Italy or some other destination. I totally forgot this year! Not sure if that is a sign that I am not going to be in this office very long or my mind just going :/


  24. My former husband used to call me “Imelda” at one time, because of the number of shoes/boots/footwear in my closet. I love shoes too. However, after trying to wear higher heels about five years ago, and failing, I wear nothing but flat footwear now. They have been easier on the knees and hips (gawd, I sound like an old person) and tend to be more comfy on the feet. I have one pair of pretty burgundy red heels that I keep for an emergency (you know, in case I’m asked out on a date before I die) and I try to steer clear of the shore stores in an attempt to stay out of trouble 😉


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