Discovering More Yorkville

My recent stroll into Yorkville produced a number of great door finds and today I’m featuring a few more them.

Right next door to the heritage Fire Hall I featured last week, is this gem built in 1906 in what was once considered the northern end of the city.  It is now the oldest public library in Toronto.

Yorkville - part 2-3

Walking through the nearby streets, there were so many photo-worthy doors and buildings, including the Heliconian Hall.

Yorkville - part 2-5

It was built in 1876, in what was then a rural area, as the Olivet Congregational Church.  It was later purchased in 1923 and renovated as the new home of the Heliconian Club.

This club was formed in 1909 to support women in the arts and provide a forum for women ‘to meet socially and intellectually’.  It’s a non-profit organization and the oldest association of its kind in Canada.

I couldn’t help but be reminded of the Alumnae Theatre I featured back in January. Formed 10 years after the Heliconian Club, it too was created to support women in the arts.

Yorkville - part 2-4

The Yorkville area provides an eclectic mix of galleries …


… retail space, offices, and residences.

Yorkville - part 2

As I mentioned previously, this is an affluent area and these are expensive properties.  A semi-detached home featured in Toronto Life magazine last year sold for $2.8 million.

Yorkville - part 3

It might be too expensive for me to live or shop in Yorkville, but it is a pretty area to visit.

Thursday Doors is a weekly photo feature hosted by Norm Frampton at Norm 2.0.  Check it out, participate, and fall in love with doors.


  1. Always a delight to take a stroll with you Joanne. I especially loved the perspective you chose for the giant pillars as if they might touch the sky. Hope you are having a happy day.


    • Glad to have you along, Sue 🙂
      The angle of the photo of the library does give the doorway gravitas, doesn’t it? The truth is, the building isn’t that big … but the entrance is bold and proud 🙂

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    • I was quite captivated by the building at #49 and #51. As you can see, it’s a semi-detached where the 2 owners have taken very different approaches to the exterior look. It should have been an eye-sore but it was so well done it appealed to my sense of the unusual.

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  2. Really beautiful area, no wonder it’s costly. I feel like Ferris Bueller “So Choice” lol 🙂
    I love the old Olivet Church — what a stunning display of color and texture. And the bull, charming. And vines… and arches… Yes, a lovely area, thanks for taking us.


  3. I envy your doors! We just don’t have that history here. If I every get back to Toronto, I now have several neighborhoods to visit – and revisit. Next time, we’ll have to plan for a longer stay. And thanks for that book recommendation, Zeus is Dead sounds like something I’d like too.


  4. Looks like another neighbourhood I’m going to have to explore on foot the next time we’re there.
    The library, those blue doors, the houses, all very pretty stuff. Great post Joanne 🙂


    • Is that what it is, neoclassical? What’s interesting is that the building itself is not very large. It has a very impressive entrance for a rather modestly sized building.
      … which makes me think it could be a great children’s story about a building with a Napoleon Complex 😉

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      • I totally love that idea! And you’ve reminded me that a couple of days ago I saw a poster for our city’s mobile library service which showed a little holiday caravan with the same facade as your library building. It’s interesting because that sort of neo-classical (based on Greek and Roman architecture basically) building is kind of synonymous with learning and rationality — and libraries. Yet pretty much all of Auckland’s library buildings are new and very Modernist. I do like the idea of your story … will you write it?


  5. So pretty, Joanne. I love that brick house with the cool windows and statuary and vines. 2.8 million is a little out of my budget, but it does look like a great place to walk around and take pictures 🙂


  6. Great doors, excellent photos, beautiful buildings and some interesting history – you packed this full to the brim today, Joanne. I love the doors on the Heliconian Club and the library. I still think we (followers of Norm) should be allowed to remove signs posted on doors, for our photos, but Norm keeps balking at the idea of bail.


    • Holy Bull! You really do put effort into your comments. You had me scratching my head for a while before I realized Fafard was the artist!! Duh! 😀

      … but your comment also caused me to discover that Fafard is also a Quebec-based farming supply outlet that sells compost manure. Rather fitting don’t you think? 😉

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  7. There’s a photo on Wikipedia of the Heliconian Club . . . and the doors are gray, not blue. I’m trying to decide which looks more amusing to my muse!


    • hmmm – interesting. I hadn’t looked at Wikipedia before I wrote this post, but I just took a look at the Heliconian Club website and their doors are blue.
      I think I like the blue better. They stand out more … and who doesn’t love a blue door? 😉


  8. I love being able to enjoy expensive ares for free, Joanne, and in this case, I didn’t even have to fly there, although I would love to see it in person. It’s been years since we were in Toronto, but we always enjoyed our visits there. I like the used-to-be-a-church building and it’s two blue doors. Interesting that there are two doors in the front. As for the expensive homes, Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia is the same way: a gorgeous area with sky-high prices. But there, too, looking is free. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

      • You have to love the muses 🙂

        I’m reading a great book right now called Zeus is Dead by Michael Munz. He spins the gods and the muses into a very different light in an adventure that is brilliantly written (at least I LOVE it). He’s made me laugh out loud numerous times … somewhat disconcerting when I’m reading on the subway 😉
        For example – he has the 3 Fates living on the 2nd floor above a convenience store in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Bwahahahaha!!!

        I mention this only because one of the Muses has been playing a major role in the first half of the book. She’s hilarious 😀


    • Now you’re making me feel lazy that I didn’t do very much (any) research before I wrote this.
      I find it interesting that a community that wouldn’t have been very large at the turn of the 20th century had 2 women’s groups to promote the arts. I’m feeling pretty good about that right now 🙂

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      • I’m glad that you brought those groups to our attention. As you suggest, in this day and age, not much attention is brought to these sorts of causes.

        Not sure, my dear, about the words “lazy” and “Joanne Sisco” appearing in the same sentence. Current comment thread excepted. 😉


        • Thanks Maggie {blushing} … I was going to say it was totally undeserved until I reflected on my morning – a 30 minute spin on my bike, 2 loads of laundry, blog post, answering emails, booking an appointment for this afternoon, resolving an issue with my car insurance, feeding the cat (twice) … and it’s only 12:30.
          A normal day in the life of …. 😉

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  9. I, too, previously enjoyed strolling the Yorkville streets. I never got my haircut there, nor did I walk away with such amazing photos. More lost opportunities!! Thank you for sharing these.


  10. Great photos! I always enjoyed a stroll through Yorkville when I lived in Toronto. I used to get my hair cut there. There used to be a toy store there. It had a teddy bear outside. He was blowing bubbles down the street. Did you see him on your walk by any chance?

    Liked by 1 person

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