Changing Seasons: September

Another month is already in the history books! How can this be so?

This blog space has been unusually quiet this month … and not because of any significant happenings in my world. I’ve just been living life as usual without the poking and prodding of my muse to write about it.

A rare hike back on the Bruce Trail this month. At Tiffany Falls in Ancaster.

There has been the usual time spent with family, and excursions outdoors – both alone and with friends … all of which I treasure.

A hike on the Bruce Trail this month included a visit to Sherman Falls which Helen and I originally viewed in February 2013 during our end-to-end hike of this 900 km trail.

From February 2013

We were back for another peek – this time with video …

There has also been a significant amount of time spent cocooning this month.

I’ve been reading, cooking, and cleaning drawers and closets.  I’m aware these activities are more suited to the cold days of February rather than balmy days in September,  but I’ve been following the needs of my soul.

Someone has been playing with rocks along the shore of Lake Ontario

… and a big part of that need has been directed towards art.

It has been one of my goals this year to stretch my creative muscle through painting, and with newfound inspiration from the work of Indigenous artist Daphne Odjig, I’ve been painting with a passion.

I have so much to learn, but I’m having so much fun in the process.

My mashup of a painting by my cousin Yvonne Swolfs combined with Indigenous artist Daphne Odjig.

Finally the month ended with another road trip with the Widow Badass.  This time we were off to eastern Ontario to visit friend and (currently silent) blogger, Karen Hume.   However this post would become much too long if I even started to talk about that weekend!  

Let’s just say that if and when my muse returns from whatever vacation she is on, there will be stories to tell.  

Photo taken by a lovely Aussie we met, visiting Canada with her family.

With the daylight hours getting shorter, there is no question that summer is over and the smell of autumn is in the air.

Catching the sunrise on the St Lawrence River near Ottawa. That’s upstate New York on the other side of the river.

I’m hoping these mild fall temperatures last for many more weeks. I have so much winter prep work to do … and so little desire to get it done.


Changing Seasons is a monthly photo feature hosted by Su Leslie at Zimmerbitch.


  1. September went by sooooo fast, but perhaps it was a month to recharge and not worry too much about what didn’t get done. I’m glad you got out to enjoy some of the fall weather before the cold hits…although that never seems to keep you and the muse from hitting the trails.


  2. Following the needs of your soul is a marvelous thing to do. 🙂 I love seeing stacked rocks. They are so calming. My son has done some painting recently and it’s made me think that I should pull out some paintbrushes and give it a try myself. My daughter has been doing some drawing through “Ink-tober” prompts and I’m going to try to remember about it in the future since it seemed like an interesting way to spark some creativity. The change in the weather has become apparent here as well.

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  3. Great photos! I love the waterfall both ways, but I love the ice more! There’s one of those chairs somewhere in New England, too. A photo op for tourists. Actually, maybe there are a lot of those giant chairs and I’ve only seen mine and yours. Ya think?
    I find as I get older, I get a little more moody about when I like to do what. There’s work, and teen support and sleep… A lot of my ‘free time’ activities are determined by the weather and how I feeeeeeel.

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    • I suspect you’re right about the giant chairs. There is something fun-loving about them that draws in even the adults.

      This tends to be a busy time of year for everyone and I seem to be spending so much of my time doing stuff I really don’t want to be doing (yes, yard work I’m talking about you!)

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  4. Beautiful photos, Joanne, and I like your painting. I understand the need to tend to things out of season, but when it makes sense to you. I look forward to the pictures when your writing starts to flow. The Bruce trail and the waterfall are really pretty. I love the last photo. The light is beautiful.


  5. The Bruce Trail looks amazing. I think I mentioned to you, Joanne, I have a friend that has a Bed and Breakfast somewhere on the Bruce Trail. She posts daily spectacular pictures on Instagram. Hmmmm, enticing. A different appearance in February. Nice to hear your voice:) Yes,” absolutely beautiful!” Stunning photos in general!


  6. Those falls are gorgeous! I would want to study them every season.

    I love the Carins. I have a thing for rocks, but you might have had an inkling I do. 😀 I collect them all. the. time. Friends even find rocks for me.

    I love that image of you three on the big chair. You look like you’re wearing a crown!

    Art. Mine has been at a standstill, but I have signed up for a watercolor workshop with a local artist which starts next week. I’m excited and nervous, and that little voice that tells me to give up is already trying to get me to drop out, but I won’t. I want to paint! I yearn to paint, but I can’t draw and that my friend, holds me back.
    You do what you need to do to feed your soul. I get it. xx


    • Paint!! You, my friend, can draw! I’ve seen what you can do. Even if you couldn’t – like me – paint anyway. Paint for yourself. There are no rules. There is only the joy that you feel when you splash paint on paper 💕

      I too have a thing for rocks and my little collection of rocks gets bigger. Mostly I resist the urge to bring them home with me 🙂

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  7. Late to the party, Joanne, but here at last. This darn thing called work, ya know! (This week is especially intense.) Lovely recounting of your month. I love what you are doing with your art. Thank you for letting me into your studio and showing me what you have been working on! You gotta feed your soul, for sure. I can’t wait to write about our weekend adventures – hopefully later this week when my work schedule returns to normal.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I knew your week was going to be chaotic at best. As this week winds down, I hope you are able to catch you breath and relax a bit.

      My first post about our weekend together is just about ready to release. Stay tuned 🙂

      I thank you so much for the encouragement and inspiration you have given me in the past year to spread my creative wings 💕

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  8. Hi Joanne,
    The temps and leaves are changing here in NH, too. I loved the phrase “I’ve been following the needs of my soul”. I don’t think there is a right or wrong time to do anything. Listen to that soul.
    And, looking forward to hearing more about your continuing adventures with WBA…whenever your muse strikes.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think that sometimes we forget how to listen to that inside voice wanting attention. I’m happy to indulge it when I can.

      A story is lined up about our weekend adventures 🙂


  9. Love the falls, love your painting, love the three of you and the chair (good to see Karen looking well), love the archway! I hope your muse comes back. I’ve always liked rock stacks, but now they are being discouraged here as damaging to wildlife (disturbing the critters living under the stones I suppose). In one National Trust place where rocks were taken from the beach onto the grass the stacks have all been dismantled, and certainly the grass looks terrible with lots of brown patches. I still like to see them, but I feel more doubtful about them now …

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  10. Joanne I think it is always wise to listen to one’s inner voice especially when it comes to blogging. If it feels like a chore then best to wait until the muse returns. Happy October my friend.

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  11. Is there anyone anywhere that doesn’t love a waterfall? If there is, I haven’t met them. 🙂 I cleaned out a couple of kitchen cabinets today myself and have two bags for Goodwill. Love the photo of the three bloggers because you can read the fun you were having in your smiles. Life is good! But, it is getting down to 34°F Friday night.


    • I find waterfalls simply hypnotizing. I think you’re right. EVERYONE loves waterfalls!!

      … and yes, we did have a great time. There was a lot of catching up to do!

      The temperatures here have been dropping all day and we are forecasted to have a heavy frost by the weekend. Brrrr.

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  12. Hey! You were just down the highway from me. Did you eat at Don’s Fish and Chips? My husband and a friend regularly take road trips to Brockville just to go to Don’s.

    Look at your talent! Not just an engaging writer but a darn good painter.

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    • Awwww – thanks Susanne. I don’t know about the ‘good’ painter part, but I really do have fun with it.

      We were only in Brockville for the morning to go to the Farmer’s Market and visit the underground railway tunnel. We were spending the weekend in Prescott. I’m aware we were actually quite close to Ottawa so I’m getting closer … 🙂

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  13. That chair photo…is terrific. Looks like you girls are just having too much fun!

    I really like both your color palette in your painting and the use and interplay of the positive and negative shapes. It does look like it has some Picasso influence / inspiration. I always enjoy seeing and stacking stones…it is an activity with such a meditative quality.


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    • I’m going to have to pay more attention to the background when we have a photo taken. I hadn’t noticed the maple leaf until Deb posted the photo on FB. Then of course, everyone else noticed it too!

      I can live with a crown. It could have been so much worse!


    • Thanks Donna. I have no delusions of becoming a great painter someday but some people have asked that I occasionally include some of my art endeavours, so I’ve indulged 🙂

      I really do love my art time. I try to let go of that critical adult voice and embrace the inner child’s need to simply play and explore. Incredibly, it’s not easy!!

      It is my voice on the video. I don’t often think to use video but I’m trying!


  14. Joanne, I’m gald to know that you’ve been enjoying life too much to be blogging. And that you’re still painting. I finally got all the necessary supplies to take it up again (for fun, not my walls!), but just haven’t found the time. Meanwhile Crystal is becoming an expert by watching painting videos with me. LOL. 🐱 Hugs on the wing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • The problem I’ve found with watching videos is that they make it look really easy. I have pages and pages in my art book that prove it’s not true.
      That’s why I call it playing – if I took it even a little bit seriously, it would make me crazy 😏


  15. I like the rocks all stacked up neatly. I like the waterfalls, too. Your art is cheerful. I’m pleased that you’re attending to your soul when it calls to you. There’s a lesson there for all of us.

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    • Thanks Tippy. I’m discovering I have a preference for using bright colours. I am not a pastel 🙂

      I actually like winter hiking. You get a very different perspective of the forest without leaves on the trees and if I’m really lucky, there is little or no snow.
      Unfortunately the early long range forecasts are calling for another winter like the last one – very cold and lots of snow 😕

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  16. Wow, so nice to see Karen (Hi, Karen!). September – as lovely as the weather usually is – has always made me feel like organizing and decluttering. Maybe it harkens back to beginning school that month, but I want to clear out the old to make way for the new. I love your picture of the arch in the sunrise.

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    • It’s supposed to catch up with us today after a very warm day yesterday. It’s raining right now – another excuse to avoid yard work. I’m getting really good at this! 😉


  17. Thanks for sharing your art. Keep it up. I love hearing that you’re passionate about it. I spent the weekend surrounded by art and I found it very mediative. Just what I need at this stressful time in my life.

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    • It IS mediative! I find that time seems to disappear when I’m painting.

      Thank you for all the encouragement and inspiration you give me!! I think of it as my play time. It has no purpose at all except as play … something that as adults we are lacking in our lives.


    • I’m usually out around mid-day, whether I’m running errands or off exploring. As a result, I rarely get to take advantage of that magical light early in the morning and later in the day … but I was shocked that it didn’t last for very long.


  18. I don’t know why, but I’m oddly impressed by the stacked rocks? That was probably human’s second act of “art”. First scratching in the sand — then piling up the rocks. Seems like we burned out stacking rocks about 4000 years ago in Egypt. But here’s a future pyramid builder starting over in Canada (of all places).

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