Conversations Around The Table

Our ‘boys’ were home for dinner on the weekend.

The conversation is always lively, but for whatever reason, we somehow manage to turn every topic into a discussion about death … in some way, shape, or form.

That’s when I started to wonder if all families had similar little peculiarities in their conversations.

It always starts off normally – discussions about work, training (yes, we’re that kind of family), and more recently, since Jordan and Dempsey bought a house – home repairs.

This time, our martini-fuelled conversation somehow got onto the topic of augmented reality.

Google has several 3D images that can be superimposed into your room and we played around with a bit of wildlife during our increasingly animated conversation.

That’s when we got onto the topic of dinosaurs and our disappointment that a T-Rex wasn’t included in the available 3D images.

That in turn led to a discussion about the likelihood that T-Rex actually had feathers, and contrary to popular thinking, T-Rex didn’t roar. Mr T likely made much softer noises, closer to the grunts of an alligator, or the cooing of a bird (this is actually for real. We’re not making this stuff up).

At this point, Son #2 declared that if he ever encountered a T-Rex, he didn’t care if it had the “plumage of a giant budgie and was purring like kitten”.

“I’m going to %$#@+&* run!”

Just another typical family dinner.


  1. Thank you for bringing us to your table and allowing a peek into your amazing & lively conversation.

    I must admit that Death is not a frequent topic at our table – but I think it should be. Rather than skirt around the issue that is part of the Circle of Life (as my younger daughter would quip) I think a generous dose of humour & a measured respect would be healthier, as in your case.


  2. Haha. I agree with him. It doesn’t matter what kind of sound it makes. It can do all kinds of damage. Haha. I like those pictures, too, although they’re a bit creepy. Great post!


  3. I love the rabbit trails of your conversation with your family. We do the same thing. I guess we don’t end in the same place, but we end far afield from where we started. I love those conversations!! Nice post, Joanne. =)


  4. Haha! I’m with Son #2! There’s not much better than a martini fueled “what if” conversation. Funny… this is the second post I’ve read this morning that mentioned dinosaurs. Maybe I really do need to add one to my November novel. You know anything’s possible in my world. Hugs on the wing!


  5. How cool, that AR! Never saw it before. Perhaps they have an AR for Food Fight and it might cause you to duck that apple pie coming your way! Conversations, like water flows from gravity, takes a path of least resistance and as long it’s not politics during the meal it’s all good. (no one appreciates an obnoxious politician standing in your kitchen or dining room 😉


    • Even in a room full of people who agree on politics, the conversation can – and usually does – get overheated and obnoxious. To me that defeats the whole purpose of getting together. Sometimes I feel like a gatekeeper when it comes to the topics of discussion.

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  6. LOL, Joanne, sorry I’m late to this post. That was quite the conversation, but it may have had something to do with the martinis? Champagne used to do that to me – the giggly bubbles, you know.

    My family conversations weren’t quite that lively and I don’t remember ever talking about dinosaurs, but now I wish I remembered what we DID talk about. It was probably something about food and mom’s family stories after she had a couple of brandy manhattans. 😉


    • hahaha! Your mom did love brandy 😆

      Now that you mention it, I don’t remember what we talked about around the family table either. I’m willing to bet however that my older brother was at the centre of it. He was, and still is, a bit of a character and his antics usually livened our world.


  7. There is nothing like young people and a little booze to send a casual conversation adrift – in a good way. Of course, we (the old folks) are being ‘fact checked’ every step of the way. Maybe we need to incorporate the NO PHONE RULE also. Fun read.


  8. What fun dinner conversations! That, to me, is the best thing about family meals – you never know what subjects might crop up. And thank goodness there are no cell phones to interrupt the discussion. When our kids were home we talked about everything under the sun (and moon) including (as they got past the age of 10) politics/bullying/sibling rivalry/sex (that was a big one when they were teenagers) movies/TV shows, etc. Now, when we get together with our ‘kids’ and their kids and an interesting topic comes up, everyone wants to ‘get more info’ about it from Google on their cell phone. We insist NO – let’s just figure it out ourselves!


  9. It sounds like a great family dinner, Joanne!! Somehow, our family conversations always turn into discussions about “what’s really out there”.


  10. Love it. I think I would feel very at home at one of your family dinners. 🙂 We have a monthly family dinner at my mother’s (it’s been going since Eldest Son was a baby) and yes, our conversations can veer into the oddest of conversations, particularly if a few bottles of wine are involved. One of my favourite photos is of a line of us on one side of the table (including 10 year old Middle Son) with our fingers held up straight except for the little finger which is bent. Apparently the ability to do this is a genetic trait. We were testing the theory.


    • You know that I had to try the little finger thing … and no, apparently I don’t have any of your genetic code 😏

      I didn’t appreciate that we might be a little ‘different’ until a niece spent Christmas with us several years ago.
      I like it when we get together. We laugh, we tell stories, we geek. Yeah, you would fit right in 🙂

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    • hahahaha!!! Funny you should say that!! Several times conversation has veered to being on the roof for various reasons and the risk of falling off. Husband commented his long list of things to worry about now has to include #1 getting up on his roof 😳


  11. Fortunately we’re unlikely to experience a living T-Rex. Jurassic Park is a stretch. Lunches with girlfriends seem to devolve into discussions of health and death. With family… health and death. Ha ha ha. I never realized that. I want to have dinner at your house!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. It might not be the particular topic of conversation that is important as much as the fact that there is a conversation going on. Add martinis into the mix and you sure would hope there’d be laughter. Great story.


    • If I’m successful in steering conversations away from politics or the royal family, it’s all good 🙂
      Although we all share the same politics, the conversation becomes much too high octane for my liking!
      And when it comes to the Queen, no self-respecting French-Canadian understands Canada’s continued loyalty to the Royal Family.


    • I’m very diligent about trying to keep politics out of any conversation. Although we are all on the same political page, it just gets too … too. I think you know what I mean. It just sucks the joy out of the room. I prefer things that make us laugh.

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    • I had to get Son #1’s help on how to take the screenshots. He’s my go-to tech support for all things ‘Apple’ 🙂
      Even with his assistance, it took me several tries to get it right. It’s a lot harder than I would have expected.


  13. Major cool on the images, Joanne. Also, very funny! Our family seems to enter the realm of toilet humour, especially at dinner. Go figure! Now I have to find these 3D images, an app? And scare the kids.🙂


    • hehehe. I get it. At one point, Dempsey had a penguin in the kitchen helping me make dinner 🙂

      Make a search of an animal, say a lion, and in the list of results that come up, there should be a google 3D option. Click on it for the 3D image. There will be an AR (augmented reality) button to superimpose the image into the room. You may have to adjust its size or turn it. It’s kind of finicky, but hope you can make it work.
      There is only a limited list of animals that are available. You can google that list too. Have fun 🙂

      I didn’t realize how different family dinners could be until I had a niece stay with us for Christmas. Her reaction was that we were SO different from her home. We’re loud, rowdy, and rather wild. I guess that’s what happens with a house full of men 🙂

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  14. I totally agree with son #2 about what dress the T-Rex happens to be sporting when I meet him. To quote an old TV series “Feet don’t fail me now” 🤣🤣🤣


  15. Lovely to have your boys home, even if it did lead to a wildlife invasion in the living room. What a hoot. I am still trying to do a mental compilation of giant-budgie-kitten-purring T.Rex.


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